Robert Allen Griffin
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
San Antonio, Texas
November 07, 1949 to July 04, 1969
ROBERT A GRIFFIN is on the Wall at Panel W21, Line 59
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Griffin

Combat Action Ribbon

20 Nov 2006

Bobby was raised in a home for boys. From what I understand he was literally left on the door-step at Boysville in San Antonio, Texas. We went to the same high school in a small town northeast of San Antonio. He graduated a year before I did. He quickly joined the Marine Corps and was sent to Viet Nam as a rifleman after I.T.R. He died on the 4th of July in 1969. He was the first and only casualty of that war from our school. We remained unscathed for a few more years. More of us ended up in Viet Nam.

I remember when you came to school in your Marine uniform. Man, you looked sharp. We only spoke a few words. Regrets?, many. Had I known. We should have said more. You were like a shadow that was there for a brief moment.

From time to time others will try to bring that part of history back. They attempt to speak as if they know all about it. I only nod. They were not there.

My friend, you are always with us. At the football games when they play the National Anthem, at fiesta when the Marines march by. We are a big military family here. The names of our fallen are always invoked.

Semper Fi, my friend.

Tony E. Guerrero, former Sgt. USMC
H&S 3/4, 3rd MARDIV
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

From the 2/1 Command Chronology:
04 July - 0655 - Company G detonated a 60mm mortar round rigged as a surprise firing device at AT970553 resulting in one USMC KIA, four USMC WIA (evac), and 1 WIA (non-evac).

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