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David Scott Greiling
VA-82, CVW-6, USS AMERICA, TF 77, 7TH FLEET United States Navy Hillsdale, Michigan March 25, 1935 to September 14, 1973 (Incident Date July 24, 1968) DAVID S GREILING is on the Wall at Panel W51, Line 49 See the full profile or name rubbing for David Greiling |
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Attack Squadron 82 was reactivated 01 May 1967 and equipped with the A-7A light attack aircraft. LCDR David Scott Greiling was a "plank-owner" and Department Head in the squadron. VA-82 deployed aboard USS AMERICA (CV-66) as part of Carrier Air Wing 6. The ship departed Norfolk, Virginia, in April 1968 for its first Viet Nam cruise. AMERICA began combat operations immediately upon her arrival on Yankee Station in early May. By late July, the air wing was fully seasoned and engaged in day and night combat operations in North Vietnam and the NVN/Laotian border areas. On 24 July, LCDR Greiling led a section (2 aircraft) on a night armed reconnaissance mission -- a truck-busting mission. The section undertook an attack on a truck convoy in the vicinity of Cape Mui Ron, NVN. LCDR Greiling, as lead, was first in. His wingman observed a large explosion and fires in the target area and initially considered them to be the result of Greiling's attack. However, when he realized that he had lost radio contact with Greiling he also realized that the explosion and residual fire probably represented a crash site. Other air wing aircraft in the area immediately undertook combat SAR. The crash site was on the side of a karst ridgeline, about 500 feet below the crest. No beeper was heard, nor was there any radio contact with Greiling. Following-day SAR efforts failed to locate Greiling, who was placed in MIA status. In 1969, a Polish seaman reported evidence that Greiling was a captive in North Vietnam. Although his status was changed from MIA to POW, the North Vietnamese never acknowledged capturing LCDR Greiling and he did not return with the POWs released in early 1973. The returning POWs knew nothing of LCDR Greiling's fate. On 14 Sep 1973 the Secretary of the Navy approved a Presumptive Finding of Death for him, changing his status from POW to "Died while Captured". Within the air wing, the concensus was that LCDR David Scott Greiling died that night -- it was overcast with multiple cloud layers and mountains rising above the pull-out altitude, not a good night for low-level visual bombing. In either case, LCDR Greiling hasn't been forgotten by his community - he is remembered in the News-Sun & Evening Star , his hometown newspaper -- or by his shipmates.
From a shipmate, |
I wore the bracelet of CDR David Greiling for years and years and was never able to find out any nformation about him. It always made me so sad that I could not find his name on any list and never knew if he came back or not. Now with the internet I have been able to find out a little about how he was lost. My own husband was in Vietnam from 1971-1972, but I was one of the fortunate ones ... he came back. With our impending war with Iraq, I took out David's bracelet and thought about how many more lives would be lost. It has been a long, long time but be rest assured that David was never forgotten. Neither are all the other brave men who served. God bless David for helping to keep us free.
Donna Muraco |
I wore the bracelet of CDR David Greiling for years and never knew the outcome of his status until today, Jan. 11, 2005. For years I prayed for him often. When I went to the dentist I wondered if he was getting dental care. On special occasions his family was in my prayers and thoughts as they were missing someone special from their table. I watched for him as lists appeared of those found. My husband wore the bracelet of someone else and we were fortunate to watch that man exit an airplane and kiss the ground when he landed. We cried with joy, and then cried again that my David wasn't among them. May he rest in peace and may his family be proud of his service to our great country. I know I am.
Jacquie Godfrey |
My name is Robert J Bartley Jr. I was on the USS AMERICA from 1979 until 1982. Upon my discharge I went to the Wall and purchased a POW-MIA bracelet. It was a missing shipmate off my boat. David Greiling will never be forgotten. I am now a Fire Fighter in Waltham, Mass, and I have converted the bracelet into a dogtag I still wear to this day. I have added a dogtag for a brother from the FDNY, Edward "Teddy" White III, died on 9-11 in the attack on New York city. These two heroes will be with me forever. I never take it off and think of them often. I have three kids now and my daughter has told me she wants to wear it one day. She is 7 years old. I can only hope that someday she will understand what these two men have given to this great country. Thank you for everything you have done to remind us of these sacrifices.
Robert J Bartley Jr |
Hi.. I too have a bracelet with David Greiling's name with the date 7-24-68 on it that I wore as a teen. When I got it, it was a POW bracelet. I wore it for several years, but I really can't remember exactly how long. I am 49 now and I have always kept the bracelet in my jewelry box, coming across it again from time to time through the years and wondering what happened to David and hoping that somehow he was found. I had it in my my hand this morning when it hit me that I might find his name on the net. I put his name in and found this site, among others that mentioned his name. I thought I should add my entry to the previous ones here as one more person who held hope and prayed for this man and his family. I will keep this bracelet always as a reminder of those who gave their lives so that I could live happily in America. Thanks, David.
Jacey Terrell |
I too wore the bracelet bearing the name of CDR David Greiling 7-24-68. It has been buried in my box of treasures. With Memorial Day approaching I searched it out and searched for Commander Greiling's name. Thank you to the young men and women who have protected our freedom.
Susan Currier |
I recently obtained another POW-MIA bracelet. It is CDR DAVID S. GREILING, 24 JULY 1968. In researching his situation I was shocked to discover we were both stationed on the USS AMERICA. I was ship's company and made the 72-73 WESTPAC cruise. This bracelet is VERY special to me now. God bless the Commander and his family and may he rest in peace.
From a shipmate who wears his bracelet, |
Hello. I add my name to the many who have worn their bracelet for this man. I was surprised that I was not the only one. Looking through my jewelry box today I found this and wondered whatever happened to him. Did he make it home? I am sad that he did not. I am 55 years old now but I remember receiving this. I think it was my Dad who bought one for all of us kids. I wore mine for a very long time and remember checking to see if there was any news. I am sad that it was not a happy ending. Society back then was not so kind to these brave men and women who served in this horrific war. I am glad that things have changed with this recent war and they are given the respect and support they are so deserving of. I will always keep this bracelet in remembrance of all these people. However if there is anyone in his family that does not have a bracelet and would like one, I would so love to give it back to the family that would honor it more than I ever could. Let me know and I will send it to you. If not I will keep it in memory of him and all those like him that never made it home.
Gail Santomango |
I served with Attack Squadron 82, arriving at Cecil Field (Jacksonville, FL) in March of 1968, just weeks prior to deployment. I kept flight records and ratings for the pilots and as such came to know LCDR "Scott" as he was called, very well. The night that he didn't return after his mission was one the officers and men of VA-82 will never forget. The mood and consensus among fellow officers was that he had crashed and most likely perished, based upon accounts of the situation. We will never know for sure. I was fortunate to have served with him. For those of you who have prayed for him over the years, but didn't get to know him, he was a special person, uncharacteristically open, selfless, direct, approachable by enlisted men and someone who lacked the bravado often associated with "jet jockeys". I remember him as sensitive with a good sense of humor - he was, in fact, a model officer, dedicated to his command, the Navy, the country and most of all, his family. He was very smart, deep in his knowledge of the sciences, aircraft, aviation - a true engineer. He is the only Navy pilot I knew who might, in later life, have become a college professor. As I worked closely with him on a daily basis, he encouraged me to complete my college degree (which I did in less than 2 years after discharge); we discussed cars, audio equipment, the political landscape back home with the coming elections, and the War - this was the topic we lived, but in actuality, liked to discuss least. He got a kick out of my little hometown newspaper, The Kennebunk (Maine) Star. My life is richer for knowing and having served with him. Commander Greiling, I salute you, and what you have given for all of us. On this Thanksgiving, I am remembering CDR David Scott Greiling as well as a Kennebunk High School classmate and basketball and football teammate '63, Specialist 4 Terry Drown.
Sincerely, |
I was going through my jewelry box today and found my POW/MIA bracelet that I wore for David Greiling well after the Vietnam War. I have never forgotten the pride I felt, especially since my husband was an air/sea rescue helo pilot in the war. I never knew what happened to David, but thanks to the computer, I found him, in this site, today. My thoughts still go out to his family and, although there is no comfort in knowing he died during his mission, there is some closure. My second husband still carries vision loss from his wounds that horrible year of 1968 and I pray for the young that we have sent into harm's way in the Middle East. Hopefully someday we will honor our young by thinking of other resolutions before sending them into disasterous situations.
Sincerely, |
Last weekend I like several others found the bracelet of CDR David Greiling in my old jewery box. I had worn it during my tour in the Navy on the USS IWO JIMA (LPH-2). When I searched the internet I was hoping to find better news. I thank every one of these brave men who did their duty but failed to return home to their family and loved ones.
Wayne E Terwilliger |
I was on board USS AMERICA from October 1967 to December 1970. I was a flight deck refueler in V4 division and had contact with all of the squadron aircraft, including VA-82, and remember the losses well. Recently I have found a new book about the loss and recovery of a VA-82 pilot, Kenny Wayne Fields, written by him and titled "The Rescue of Streetcar 304". Excellent book of great interest to any of us who were there too. You can find info about him on the Internet and the book is available from Amazon.com. No one asked me to write this, and I'm not connected to Kenny Fields in any way. There is an aviation museum in Hickory NC with an actual A-7 Corsair from VA-82 and USS AMERICA on display. Check out hickoryaviationmuseum.com I hope this is of interest.
From a shipmate, |
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