Peter Ray Goodnight
Chief Warrant Officer
Army of the United States
Pacoima, California
January 01, 1950 to October 11, 1970
PETER R GOODNIGHT is on the Wall at Panel W7, Line 125
See the full profile or name rubbing for Peter Goodnight

Peter R Goodnight
americal.gif 14thcab.gif 174thahc.gif

11 Apr 2002

Peter Ray Goodnight was a CW2 flying for the 174th AHC when he died in 1970. I took this picture of him in Duc Pho in August of 1970 . . . What a great sense of humor he had.

From a friend and comrade-in-arms,
Fred Thompson
174th AHC 70-71 . . . Shark 7

30 Apr 2005

My name is Terrance Mulryan and Peter Goodnight was my
friend and classmate in flight school. (US Army, WOC 69-35).

It is now 36 years later and as I look at our class picture at this
moment, I think of Peter's smile and bald head with a quiet and
humble fondness for his friendship and sacrifice. It truly seems
like only three minutes have passed since that time.

I pray that his family is at peace and that his friends remember
Peter for who he was - a Christian man who always wore a smile.
He remains today and forever my friend. I pray that we meet again
so that he can say again, "Hey Mully, let's go fly".

I also honor the following young men of Class 69-35
with whom I shared a moment in time
and will honor and remember for as long as I live:

Franklin Hamm
Thomas Michehl
William Royal

From a friend,
Terrance Mulryan

05 Mar 2008

I knew Peter's brother, Phillip. We all went to the same elementary school in Pacoima. I didn't know Peter, though.

Michele Fentriss
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The casualty database indicates that Warrant Officer Goodnight died in an operational helicopter crash but he didn't - he was killed by an accidental rifle discharge while on the ground at Hill 411, 6 miles west of Quang Ngai City.

Mr. Mulryan names three other men from his Warrant Officer class who died in Vietnam. They are

  • CWO Franklin A. Hamm (Little Rock, Arkansas) killed in action with SGT Bruce C. Halbach (Stacyville, Iowa) while flying OH-6A tail number 67-16391 on 19 Nov 1970. Both of C Troop 2/17 Cavalry.

  • CWO Thomas C. Michehl (Santa Maria, California), one of four men from the 128th AHC who died in the loss of UH-1H tail number 68-16313 on 01 June 1971.

  • CWO William E. Royal (Screven, Georgia) who was killed with SP4 William B. Beardsley (Bath, Michigan) when OH-6A tail number 67-16037 was shot down on 20 March 1971. Both of C Troop, 16th Cavalry.

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