Kenneth Virgil Goodman
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Stewart, Minnesota
September 17, 1947 to January 24, 1968
KENNETH V GOODMAN is on the Wall at Panel 35E, Line 21
See the full profile or name rubbing for Kenneth Goodman

Combat Action Ribbon
Kenneth V Goodman
3rdmaf.gif 3mardiv.gif 26thmarines.gif

27 Dec 2006

Kenneth "Skip" Goodman was a classmate from the class of 1965, Stewart, Minnesota. There were 42 kids in our class. Skip was a great guy, came from a good Catholic family and played football, baseball and basketball. Stewart had, and still has, a population of about 600. We all knew everyone in town.

After high school, Skip decided to enlist in the Marines because he wanted to serve his country. Skip was a fearless man and he accomplished his objective of serving his country. It was a great loss and a great shock to our community when we got the news in January 1968.

God Bless him!

From a friend,
John Kalenberg


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Kilo Company, 3/26 Marines, lost three men as a result of a 24 Jan 1968 engagement during a patrol outside the Khe Sanh Combat Base perimeter; two men were killed in the action, and a third died the following day of wounds received. They were

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