Mario Gonsalez
Army of the United States
San Angelo, Texas
September 12, 1948 to March 05, 1970
MARIO GONSALEZ is on the Wall at Panel W13, Line 85
See the full profile or name rubbing for Mario Gonsalez


07 Aug 2006

Mario was born to Barbarita Pineda and Santiago Gonsalez in San Angelo, Texas. He attended San Angelo schools and was drafted into the U.S. Army in the winter of 1968. He was killed by an errant 105mm artillery shell that landed in the middle of his platoon while on night laager on March 5, 1970. He was posthumously promoted to Corporal. He is remembered by the Concho Valley Vietnam Memorial and by the Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans' Memorial located in Midland, Texas. May his sacrifice not be forgotten.

From a PBVVM representative,
Billy M. Brown
4015 Melody Lane, Odessa, Texas 79762

23 Dec 2006

I can confirm that an errant 105 round fired from LZ Professional killed Mario Gonzalez, Bruce Klingaman and Miguel Garcia. I knew Mario (Speedy) and Bruce (Klink) very well when I was medic with Charlie Company. Miguel Garcia came in country after my time in the field with Charlie and I didn't know him.

It was a friendly fire incident. The round was fired by B 1/14 Arty. I was in Chu Lai when it happened. Klink and I came into the battalion on the same day. He should have been clearing the battalion for DEROS like me, but he had extended so that he could ETS upon DEROS. In those days, if you had less than five months left in your enlistment upon returning to the states, you were ETS'ed rather than being assigned someplace for such a short time. It was common for soldiers to extend their Vietnam tours, usually 30 days was enough, in order to qualify for ETS upon return to CONUS.

Alan Johnson
Missoula, Montana


A Note from The Virtual Wall

C Company, 1/46th Infantry, lost three men on 05 March 1967:
  • CPL Miguel R. Garcia, Auburndale, FL;
  • CPL Mario Gonsalez, San Angelo, TX; and
  • SP4 Bruce D. Klingaman, Elizabeth, NJ.
Their casualty records are not coded for a "friendly fire" incident, and The Virtual Wall can neither confirm nor deny that Cpl Gonsalez was killed by "an errant 105mm artillery shell".

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