Paul Stephen Goc, Jr
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Omaha, Nebraska
September 28, 1948 to June 14, 1969
PAUL S GOC Jr is on the Wall at Panel W22, Line 46
See the full profile or name rubbing for Paul Goc

Paul S Goc
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09 Feb 2006

I had been in my unit three months when I meet Steve. He was easy to get along with and always helpful. He seemed to take well to new men. Steve was a real hero. You may see some who say they are, but Steve was. I know because he was killed stopping the NVA from getting to our guns. He did not have to but went out and was killed on the wire protecting all of us on Fire Base Berchtesgaden. He was over run where he was at. I helped take him down to the chopper pad the next morning.

I have kept up with his family ever since. God bless them all, they are so dear to me.

Glenn Scarborough
Hull, Ga.

01 Apr 2008

Paul, I served later than you, but remember you from OLL parish. You are a true hero. I returned from war, but you are one who gave all.

Wayne Mathews
USN, RVN 1972-1975
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

When the 101st Airborne Division's 3rd Brigade went into the A Shau Valley in late spring of 1969 they set up a number of fire support bases on the hilltops along the eastern side of the valley. The Brigade's Tactical Operations Center (TOC) was located at Fire Support Base Berchtesgaden on Hill 1030. At about 3 AM on the morning of 14 June 1969 FSB Berchtesgaden was assaulted by NVA sappers operating under cover of a heavy mortar barrage. Although the sappers managed to penetrate the perimeter in several places the attack was not successful and when the NVA withdrew they left 33 dead and 3 prisoners behind. Nevertheless, twelve US soldiers died in the fighting:
  • HHC, 3rd Brigade, 101st Abn Div
    • SGT David T. Sitton, Pueblo, CO
    • SP4 Louis J. Kelley, Conemaugh, PA
    • SP4 Malcolm E. Mitchell, Waco, TX
  • HHB, 2nd Bn, 319th Artillery
    • SP4 Ruben Urdialez, San Antonio, TX
    • PFC Johnny Wiles, Hardy, AR
    • PFC David A. Worrell, Gallatin, MO
  • B Co, 2nd Bn, 327th Infantry
    • CPL Michael J. Dodge, Gibraltar, MI
    • CPL Cutburt Hurtault, St Thomas, VQ
    • SP4 Armando A. Minor, Crosbyton, TX
  • CPT Robert M. Snell, Lamesa, TX, HHB, 2nd Bn, 320th Artillery (Dist Svc Cross)
  • SP4 Bobby R. Brown, Muncie, IN, 270th Signal Co
  • SP4 Paul S. Goc, Omaha, NE, C Btry, 2nd Bn, 11th Artillery

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