Daniel Ward Gleason
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Bay City, Michigan
October 22, 1943 to February 23, 1969
DANIEL W GLEASON is on the Wall at Panel W31, Line 1
See the full profile or name rubbing for Daniel Gleason

Daniel W Gleason
usarv.gif 4infdiv2.gif ARGT-35THINFANTRY.png

I remember the day my dad told me he was going away. We sat on the porch at my grandfather's. I played with some small plastic soldiers, we ate some cookies. He said he was going away, that he was going to be a real soldier. There were people who needed help ... I asked him why, and he said there were a bunch of bad guys and he was going to fight them ... "They're like the Nazis". Now as a four year old American kid, I had no true sense of the evil that that term represented. There but for the Grace of God ... But when I think of that day, and imagine what was going through the mind of my dad, at 25 ... It was not only the Vietnamese people who needed help from the oppression and terror of communism, but I know he felt deeply for his friends, neighbors and the thousands of guys just like him. I know he felt he could make a difference for them, too.

For that I am proud, and fortunate to have a dad that stepped up for his brothers in arms.

Daniel Ward Gleason is remembered
by his brothers-in-arms of the
35th Infantry

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother ..."

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