James Lloyd Giegel
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Wyckoff, New Jersey
June 05, 1949 to May 26, 1970
JAMES L GIEGEL is on the Wall at Panel W10, Line 102
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Giegel

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James L Giegel
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I served with James at CAP 2-4-5 before he was transferred to 2-4-1. He was such a quiet guy but one you couldn't help but like. Always smiling; nothing seemed to bother him. James had such a sense of well being about him. It's hard to explain. The worst thing about war is the loss of good men like James.

He was killed in an ambush along with two other Marines on May 26, 1970, while on a re-supply run from CACO 2-4 back to 2-4-1. I think about him a lot.

Brothers James (left) and Patrick Giegel both served in Vietnam,
James a Marine and Patrick a trooper of the 101st Airborne.


They were able to meet in late 1969.

Read a letter from his mother at
(Opens in a new window ... close the window to return)

A memorial from his brother in arms,
Sandy Wardlaw
5601 Foxcroft, Amarillo, Tx 79109
8 Mar 2001

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