Roy Lee Gibson
United States Marine Corps
Dallas, Texas
December 25, 1945 to April 30, 1968
ROY LEE GIBSON is on the Wall at Panel 53E, Line 13
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Combat Action Ribbon
Roy L Gibson
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29 May 2007

It's been 39 years since his death but his memory will always live.

I always looked up to Roy as my big brother and later when he joined the Marines he became the epitomy of everything a man stands for. He was polite and courteous to everyone, smart and respectful of others' feelings. He could be tough when the situation warrant it.

When I couldn't turn to my father, Roy was always there for me. My big brother taught me about being responsible. When I graduated from High School I followed in his foot steps and joined the Marines because I wanted so dearly to be like him.

I couldn't comprehend why the life of such a decent and fine man as my brother would be cut so short. It is not for me to question the wisdom of God. I Know that some day we will meet again.

From his brother,
William Gibson

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