Eddie Dean Gadson
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Salina, Kansas
March 09, 1949 to May 08, 1968
EDDIE D GADSON is on the Wall at Panel 57E, Line 3
See the full profile or name rubbing for Eddie Gadson

Combat Action Ribbon

23 May 2001

My Uncle Eddie's name was passed onto me. I wear that name with such honor and pride. Uncle Eddie passed away on May 8, 1968. I, Eddie Dean Gadson II, was born July 8, 1968. The Lord taketh and The Lord giveth.

A memorial from his nephew,
Eddie Dean Gadson II
3405 New Castle Court, Manhattan, Kansas 66503

03 Dec 2005

Eddie and I were born the same month only twelve days apart. We served in the same unit and I remember that day when he was killed as if it were yesterday. We were positioned at Alpha-3 near the DMZ and May 8th was one day those who served in that battle will not forget. A brave man and an honor to have served with him.

I served three tours with different units from 68 to 71, but the time I served with India Company was imprinted on my mind for what we had accomplished. We lost two men that day with India and one from the battery 105's. Thank you, Eddie, for the sacrifice for freedom, as we know it's bought for a price. Semper Fi, Marine, and your memory is in our hearts.

From a Marine brother in arms,
Rex C McBee

21 Jul 2008

The Wall on the Mall

Why such a tear-stained face?
It looks so out of place,
On such a perfect morning,
Such a bright, beautiful, sunny day,
This question, I want to ask, If I may.

I move on slowly, wandering toward "The Wall",
Realizing the deeper, the farther I go, the sad mood affects us all.
I feel the tension, the heartache, and the sadness.
Whatever happened to all of the gladness?
What is going on, I say?
On this bright, beautiful, sunny day in May?

I see more and more tears on passerbyï¿ 1/2 s faces,
Slowly, dreadfully, I make those final paces.
As I move hesitantly, dragging me feet toward the wall.

I reach the Viet Nam Memorial Veteranï¿ 1/2 s Wall,
As far as the eye can see, "The Wall" stretches continuously,
Seemingly infinitely,

I then realize the reason for the sadness of it all,
I flash back to that sad, tear-stained face,
The one that seemed so out of peace.
On such a bright, sunny day in May.

I move, searching aimlessly for his beloved name,
Trying to block out the sad atmosphere, to lessen the pain.
Like the atmosphere of a Catholic church, so quiet, so hushed,
No sense of time, no sense of self,
No feeling of being rushed.

I sense everyoneï¿ 1/2 s pain, the sorrow we all share,
To actually see your belovedï¿ 1/2 s name is so hard to bear.
We become one, those strangers at the Wall,
We unite, we share, we relive the pain of it all.

To love the beloved father, the son, that uncle, that big brother,
After twenty, thirty years, will we truly recover?
Oh the pain, the hurt, the loss, the sorrow,
Please let me wake up, borrow some happiness for tomorrow.

Eddie Dean Gadson is the name I trace,
Why did you have to leave us, this is so hard to face.
You gave the ultimate - your life - you ran the swift race,
We love you, we miss you; youï¿ 1/2 ll always be remembered.
Your personality, your humor; you are in my mind,
A memory unencumbered.

The Viet Nam Memorial, that seemingly endless Wall,
Dedication to the brave,
Hard to believe a mere stone, granite wall can cause such emotions,
To bare it all.

Waves of raw emotions, come forth! There is no holding back,
Retching sobs, deep down pain, the senses of loss.
Oh, the price we all pay, such a heartbreaking cost!
Now I understand why the tear-stained face,
That I looked so out of place,
On such a bright, sunny day, such a perfect day in May.

Somehow life goes on; we have to be strong.
Recall that Jesus is our all in all;
We will not fall.

Instead HE will hold us up, bear our burdens, so we can be
As strong, straight and tall as the "Wall on the Mall"

By Rose Gadson
(In loving memory of Eddie Dean Gadson and all Vietnam Veterans)
© 2008 Rose Gadson

From his sister,
Rose Gadson


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, lost eight men on 08 May 1968 when they engaged an NVA regimental command post about 10 kilometers northwest of the Dong Ha airfield:
  • C Btry, 1st Bn, 12th Marines
  • I Co, 3rd Bn, 3rd Marines
    • Sgt Ronald N. Bankston, Kaufman, TX
    • Pfc Eddie D. Gadson, Salina, KS

  • L Co, 3rd Bn, 3rd Marines
    • 2ndLt Robert McKellip, Bronxville, NY
    • LCpl John A. Countaway, Winthrop, MA
    • LCpl Frederick D. Kemp, Arkport, NY
    • Pfc Richard W. Frink, Norwich, NY
    • Pvt Steven Murray, New York, NY

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