Sherman Edward Flanagan, Jr
Lieutenant Colonel
United States Air Force
Westminster, Maryland
April 08, 1930 to July 21, 1968
SHERMAN E FLANAGAN Jr is on the Wall at Panel W51, Line 25
See the full profile or name rubbing for Sherman Flanagan


13 Apr 2001

Lt Col Sherman E. Flanagan, 38, of Westminster, Maryland, was killed in action in Vietnam. He was flying a mission in over the DMZ when his F-100D aircraft was hit by hostile groundfire.

He had been in Vietnam since May 1968 after his reserve unit in the Air Force was called up for active duty in January.

He was believed to be the first Guardsman called to duty during the period to have died in Vietnam.

Previous to his service in Vietnam, he had served in the Korean conflict with the Air Force.

Before his reserve unit was reactivated, Flanagan was a lawyer with the legal firm of Cable and McDaniel in Westminster. He had practiced law since 1960 when he graduated from the University of Maryland law school.

Taken from the "Carroll County Times" newspaper
Memorial Day 1989 edition.

Placed by a fellow Carroll Countian.

14 Nov 2006

In June/July 2006, I had the honor to go over to Vietnam in a POW/MIA Recovery Operation. LtCol Flanagan was one of my missions. Although I am not permitted to discuss our findings, I just want his family and friends to know that he has not been forgotten! I have been in the U.S. Navy for over 18 years now, and this is one of the most rewarding experiences I could have ever done while serving our Country. LtCol Flanagan, it has been an privilege and honor searching for you to bring you home!! May your soul rest in peace, your country never forget you, and your family never stops believing in you!

From A friend paying respect,
PR1 (AW) Troy A. Weisbrod

15 Dec 2007

I was the Crew Chief on the F100 that LtCol Flanagan flew on his last mission in Vietnam. I remember him coming out to the plane and making his walk around. We didn't have much to say to each other as he was a LtCol and I was a low ranking Airman. He was all business as we went through the pre-flight checks. I do remember giving him a salute as he pulled out of the the revetment on his mission. It was years later when I started to research on the 355th TFS that found out the information about Col. Flanagan.

Steve Culp
A1c, Crew Chief, 355th TFS, 1968-1969,


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Hobson's "Vietnam Air Losses" contains this description of LtCol Flanagan's loss:
"F-100D 56-2905 355 TFS, 37 TFW, USAF, Phu Cat
"LtCol Sherman E. Flanagan (KIA)
"A Super Sabre and its pilot was lost during a mission to destroy an anti-aircraft gun position on the South Vietnamese-Laos border, in the hill country 25 miles southwest of Hue. LtCol Flanagan was making his first strafing pass from 3000 feet when his aircraft was hit by ground fire and dived into the ground near the target. The pilot may have been wounded by the anti-aircraft fire as he did not eject. LtCol Flanagan was a member of the District of Columbia ANG who had volunteered for service with the 355th."
The District of Columbia Air National Guard's 113th Tactical Fighter Wing was activated in early 1968 in response to the USS PUEBLO incident and relocated to Myrtle Beach AFB, South Carolina, with two F-100D squadrons, the 119th Tactical Fighter Squadron (New Jersey ANG) and the 121st Tactical Fighter Squadron (DC ANG). Beginning in July 1968 activated ANG personnel from the 113th TFW were deployed to Phu Cat AB, RVN, replacing the personnel of the deployed 355th TFS who returned to Myrtle Beach AFB.

LtCol Flanagan's Air Force casualty record says he was assigned to the 421st Tac Ftr Sqdn, but the 421st had been an F-105 squadron until it returned to the United States in April 1966 for transition to the F-4. The 421st TFS redeployed to Vietnam in July 1969, based at Danang. The incorrect entry in the USAF casualty file no doubt is a typographic error.

37th Tac Ftr Wing casualty reports and his Presidential Letter of Condolences file at the LBJ Library gives his unit as 121st Tac Ftr Sqdn, Myrtle Beach AFB, SC, temporarily assigned to the 355th Tac Ftr Sqdn. The casualty reports state that Flanagan had completed two bombing runs and his first strafing run. On pull-out from the strafing run, at about 2500 above ground, his aircraft climbed to about 6000 feet, began a slow roll, and dived into the ground. Although no antiaircraft fire had been noted by the controlling FAC or other F-100 pilots, it was supposed that Flanagan had been hit and incapacitated by small-arms fire. He did not eject before ground impact.

Lieutenant Colonel Flanagan's remains have not been recovered.

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