Eric Richard Fassitt
Army of the United States
Dorchester, Massachusetts
January 31, 1947 to January 06, 1968
ERIC R FASSITT is on the Wall at Panel 33E, Line 56
See the full profile or name rubbing for Eric Fassitt


14 Oct 2007


I owe you a sincere apology. I did not really understand what was going on. In my mind I had just broken up with someone and I was seriously afraid. You were one of the nicest guys I ever knew. I wanted so bad to go to the prom with you but at the last moment I chickened out. It was not because I did not like you, it was only because I was to afraid to step away from my stupid pride and give you a chance.

You never stopped calling me or visiting me, even when you were leaving to go into the service you came to visit me to let me know you were leaving. I should have said something then but froze like an idiot.

I do not remember who told me about your death but I had a very hard time with it. In fact I lost my best friend in Vietnam the year before you. I even visit your grave from time to time. When I come home this year for Thanksgiving I want to visit it and put some flowers down.

Life is funny - I think about you all the time and in some way I feel sort of responsible. If I could turn back time I would have said and done things a lot different. Please do not think that I did not see you, I did, please do not think that I did not hear you, I did. I just did not trust myself.

The thing is I know real feelings now but at 17 you just do not know, or at least I didn't. It was not until many years later that I understood what you were trying to say to me.

You once told me that it was not my looks or any of that, you saw my heart. And I want you to know I saw yours too. I just could not stand the loss and hurt from someone again. And yet I lost you anyway. I think of the things you missed or maybe you and I missed together. I grieve for your family because I have children ... recently my son was shot in the line of duty and I almost lost him - I was so afraid. Life is really strange. I hope that I will see you again on the other side and I can say to you how much you meant to me and how much I miss you.

One thing I know - you would be proud of me I have done a lot of positive things with my life. I am sure you would have too.

Why I wrote this is because while writing a note on the Wall for my best friend I decided to look on the Wall for you. I thought I would be right to tell you that I am sorry for doubting you and for doubting us.

I know that you forgave me ... that was the type of person that you were. I also know that you look down from above and have been one of the many in my corner cheering for me all the way.

I pray for you and your family even though I never got to meet them. You always invited me to meet your family. Eric, maybe in my heart I knew I was going to lose you so that is why I was so afraid. I never thought I would lose you to another girl but I had lost so many people in my life, my dad, other family members, friends - I just was going through a hard time.

There is a song that Nickleback wrote called "I Miss You". When ever I hear that song I think of you and well you know the rest, don't you?

Sleep in Peace, Eric, and I hope to see you again someday, hold a place in Heaven for me.

Love You Always, Dee Dee

From a friend,
Dr. Donia Gonzales Copeland
P O Box 371, Delaware City, De 19706


A Note from The Virtual Wall

In the first week of 1968 the 196th Infantry Brigade sent elements of three infantry battalions into the Hiep Duc Valley in Quang Tin Province - 2/1st Infantry, 3/21st Infantry, 4/31st Infantry. By 04 Jan the units were having increased contact with VC and NVA forces.

On the morning of 05 January, Corporal Eric Fassitt's unit, Charlie Company, 2/1st Infantry, made contact with a larger and very aggressive North Vietnamese Army force. In a day-long fight, the outnumbered Americans managed to avoid being surrounded and at nightfall were able to establish a reasonable defensive position on more favorable terrain. Shortly after midnight on 05/06 January the NVA attacked the Charlie 2/1 position but were unable to over-run it. By dawn the NVA were withdrawing into the hills and US reinforcements were relieving Charlie 2/1. Seventeen Americans were killed in the engagement:

  • 05 January:
    • 1LT Robert R. Lewis, Pierre, SD
    • PSGT Alvin S. Johnson, Hampton, VA
    • SGT Albert M. Carwithen, Charleston, WV
    • PFC Norman E. Colosanti, Portland, ME
    • PFC Guillermo De Leon, Uvalde, TX
    • PFC Florian H. Kuss, Strasburg, ND
    • PFC Lafon W. Ladson, Jacksonville, FL
    • PFC Gary W. Runk, Gettysburg, PA
  • 06 January:
    • 2LT Steven C. Drake, Kirkwood, MO (Dist Svc Cross)
    • 2LT Gerald W. Norton, Dallas, TX
    • SSG William E. Bernard, Columbus, GA
    • SGT Harold Smith, New Paris, PA
    • CPL Eric R. Fassitt, Dorchester, MA
    • SP4 Jerry W. Gilliand, Marion, NC
    • CPL Leland Stewart, Monrovia, CA
    • PFC Edward J. Drew, Des Moines, IA
    • PFC Jordan E. Ramey, Columbia, SC

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