Paul Raymond Evans
United States Marine Corps
Iron City, Georgia
June 04, 1946 to May 05, 1968
PAUL R EVANS is on the Wall at Panel 55E, Line 10
See the full profile or name rubbing for Paul Evans

Combat Action Ribbon
Paul R Evans
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 27thmarines.gif

31 Oct 2001

"Not for fame or reward, not for place or for rank,
but in simple obedience to duty,
as they understood it."
Confederate Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery

Raymond was a well-behaved boy with a good sense of humor. When he was a senior in high school I took him to sea for a week on the Navy ship which I commanded. I hoped that he would choose to enter the Navy, but he didn't seem very enthusiastic about that.

At the end of his second year in Louisburg College, Louisburg, NC, he enlisted in the Marine Corps, then notified us. We were surprised by his choice, because he had such a gentle nature.

In the summer of 1967 he came home to Jacksonville and told us that he was shipping out to Viet Nam. We never saw him again, but he called us from Hong Kong just a few weeks before he was killed in action, May 5, 1968.

Though it has been 33 years since his death, we still weep for him.

From his parents,
Ray Evans, LCDR, USN (Ret),
Gwendolyn Adams Evans

19 Nov 2002

I just want to say thank you ... and my uncle says he misses you ...
He was the one who had to put you in your body bag ...
I'm sorry you lost your life, and so is he.

Kasie Hummel
Sioux Falls S.D.

25 Dec 2002

I did not know Raymond but I do know his God loving parents. May God's graces continue to sustain you throughout the days that you remember the joys of Raymond that you cherish so dearly.

From your unworthy friends,
Tommie Stanaland
2572 Williamson Lane, Perry, FL 32347


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 3rd Bn, 27th Marines Command Chronology contains the following entry for 05 May 1968:
A. Lima-2 [2nd Plt, Lima 3/27]
B. 050230H [time of event 2:30 AM 05 May]
C. 053698 [location in UTM coordinates]
D. Lima 2 was assisting 3/51 [3rd Bn, 51st ARVN Infantry] in defense of their Command Post when enemy attack occurred. Heaviest attack occurred on southern portion of perimeter where Marines manned positions. Enemy fired rockets, 82mm mortars, grenade launchers, small arms. An ambush conducted west of ARVN CP was mortared also.
E. Attack was repelled by Marines, arty, small arms, M-79, and LAAWs. Ambush which was mortared received no small arms and was able to hold their own until relief force reached them at first light. ARVN policed battlefield in front of Marine positions and confiscated all captured enemy personnel and weapons.
F. Friendly KIA: 5 USMC. 1 ARVN.
G. Friendly WIA: 2 USMC. 1 US Army. 7 ARVN.
J. Enemy KIA: 20
K. Enemy POW: 1 NVA Warrant Officer"
The five Marines killed in the attack were
  • Cpl Paul R. Evans, Iron City, GA
  • Pfc Rodney W. Melton, Wyomissing, PA
  • Pfc Louis H. Nelson, Harlowton, MT
  • Pfc Wallace W. Shane, Baden, PA
  • Pfc John M. Tiffany, Norman, OK

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