John Patrick Ellis
United States Marine Corps
Cochran, Georgia
January 27, 1936 to February 28, 1968
JOHN P ELLIS is on the Wall at Panel 41E, Line 64
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Ellis

Combat Action Ribbon

25 Mar 2003

John Patrick Ellis wasn't just a man, he was a son, a brother, a husband, a father and a uncle. All who knew and loved him will always remember his smile and his talent on many musical instruments. He lived life to the fullest ... not only did he live it, he loved it. Even knowing his time in the Marine Corps may one day cost him his life. When that time came he lost his life defending the country he loved. He left behind a very saddened family but now we still remember him and love him after all these years. He is gone but never will he be forgotten. Recently, on July 25, 2002, we lost his brother who is my father - Mr. Martin Luther Ellis. Until the day he died he always remembered and loved his brother as if he were still here. So in loving memory of Captain John Patrick Ellis and Martin Luther Ellis ... we will always hold them close to our hearts and memories.

Love to the both of them.
The Williams family

Placed by his niece,
Cynthia Williams

19 Dec 2006

Daddy, I love you, and I miss you.

From his daughter,
Fay Ellis
1319 Mobile Avenue, Albany, Ga 31705


Notes from The Virtual Wall

On 28 Feb 1968, a CH-46D (BuNo 153360) of HMM-262 was struck by automatic weapons fire while inbound to Khe Sanh on a recovery mission. The aircraft was downed and exploded on impact, killing all 22 men aboard:
    Aircrew, all HMH-262:

  • Major Edwin George Meixner, pilot
  • Capt Robert Lee Sevell, copilot
  • Sgt Marc Wayne McCabe, Aircrewman
  • Sgt John Paul Toth, Aircrewman
  • Cpl Alfredo Benigni, Crew Chief
  • Cpl Danny D. Gard, Aircrewman
  • LCpl John Alfred Thotland, Aircrewman


  • Capt John Patrick Ellis, MABS-36, MAG-36
  • Capt Jay Webster Stull, HQ Co, HQ Bn, 3rd MarDiv
  • BU1 Charles O. Spillman, CBMU-301
  • Sgt James Herbert Mikels Jr., H&S Co, 1st Bn, 26th Marines
  • Sgt Charles Edward Parsons, HQ Co, 5th Comm Bn
  • Cpl Kenneth Robert Bradley, HMM-262
  • Cpl Robert Edward Caldwell, H&S Co, 3rd Bn, 26th Marines
  • Cpl Donald Nathaniel Cooper, HMM-262
  • Cpl Ronald Lee Dempsey, B Bty, 1st Bn, 13th Marines
  • Cpl William Oliver Turner, H&S Co, 3rd Shore Pty Bn
  • LCpl Ronald S H Christman, HMM-262
  • LCpl Kyle J Coles, H&MS-36, MAG-36
  • LCpl Matthew Murice Dwyer Jr., A Co, 3rd Eng Bn
  • Pfc David Z. Balades, H&S Co, 3rd Shore Pty Bn
  • Pfc Emmett Charles Stanton, A Co, 3rd Eng Bn

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