Jerry Williams Elliott
Staff Sergeant
Army of the United States
Greenville, Mississippi
July 14, 1948 to August 16, 1976
(Incident Date January 21, 1968)
JERRY W ELLIOTT is on the Wall at Panel 35E, Line 5
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jerry Elliott

Combat Infantry Badge
Army Aircrew
Jerry W Elliott
1avnbde.gif ABN-212THAVNBN.gif 282ahc.gif

02 Aug 2016

Jerry W Elliott

I took the above picture when visiting Washington D.C. on Monday, May 23, 2016. I regret not having waited for the person to complete his work and get his email address for sending a copy to him. Perhaps he and others remembering Jerry will ultimately see and get a copy of this.
Timo Aittola

19 November 2001

Mike Teutschman, Jerry's true friend and fellow Airborne Pathfinder (Blackhat), found us through the Wall and went with me to Vietnam in 1999 to search for information.

From Jerry's sister,
Donna E. Elliott

14 July 2006

Happy Birthday, brother! We have not given up the search just because a piece of paper says Presumptive Finding of Death. Your little sister will always remember.


Visit the
282nd Assault Helicopter Company
or read about my
visit to Vietnam

03 May 2007

Jerry served May '67 to Jan '68 with the 268th Pathfinders in Tuy Hoa prior to transferring to the 282nd AHC Black Cats at Marble Mountain.

From his sister,
Donna Elliott

11 Jun 2001


David Wade

26 Mar 2005

I never knew the names of the men lost that day.
I heard the radio traffic and knew they had flown into hell.

They were heroes then and they are heroes still.

I never knew you but we are brothers.

Tino "Chui" Banuelos

24 May 2005

Bring his body home to his final resting place. Missing since January 21 1968 when the helicopter was shot down.

From a good friend,
GySgt Angelo Vitalone Sr
USMC Vietnam 65-66
4 Hudson Court, Somerdale, N J 08083


Notes from The Virtual Wall

From the

On January 21, 1968, a UH-1D HUEY from the 282nd Aviation Company was tasked as the lead ship in a section inserting ARVN troops at an old French fort approximately 1200 meters east of Khe Sanh. The following Americans were aboard the lead helicopter:

  • CPT Tommy C. Stiner, pilot
  • WO Gerald L. McKensey Jr., co-pilot
  • SSG Billy D. Hill, doorgunner
  • SP5 David H. Harrington, crewchief
  • LTC Joseph P. Seymoe, MACV Adv Team 4, senior advisor to the ARVN unit being inserted
As the aircraft touched down on the landing zone, NVA troops stood up all around the aircraft and began firing at the aircraft at almost point blank range. As soon as all the ARVN troops were off-loaded, the aircraft lifted off. At approximately 8-10 feet off the ground, the aircraft was hit by either a 57mm recoilless rifle or a direct hit mortar fire, burst into flames, and crashed.

The second UH-1D landed approximately 50-60 feet from the downed aircraft and then-PVT Jerry W. Elliott, door gunner, and his crew chief exited their aircraft to assist survivors of the downed helicopter. In a matter of seconds, the crew chief returned to his aircraft and advised the pilot to take off immediately because of the intense hostile fire. The aircraft lifted off, leaving Elliott on the ground, circled and returned to the LZ, but could not locate PVT Elliott.

Thus, five Americans were on the ground outside the ARVN defensive perimeter.

  • CPT Stiner exited the aircraft successfully, evaded capture and returned to friendly lines.
  • WO McKensey was shot and killed. His body was subsequently recovered.
  • SSG Hill disappeared.
  • SP5 Harrington was able to board a rescue aircraft that landed in the LZ.
  • LTC Seymoe died while pinned under the aircraft. His body was subsequently recovered.
  • PVT Elliott disappeared.
Three days after the incident, a helicopter searched the area and observed a body in the tall elephant grass and small trees. By process of elimination, the pilot determined that the body was that of PVT Elliott.

Hill had last been seen by CPT Stiner just prior to the aircraft being hit in the compartment in which Hill was manning his machine gun. Stiner stated that Hill was probably struck by the same volley of rounds that downed the aircraft as his machine gun was observed blown to pieces. Stiner searched the area before taking evasive action, but Hill could not be located.

Hill and Elliott were declared Missing in Action. Although it is believed that both men were injured, perhaps mortally, there is no proof that they died.

On 15 December 1975, SSG Billy Hill's status was changed from "Missing in Action" to "Died while Missing". As of 26 May 2001 his remains have not been repatriated.

On 16 August 1976, SSG Jerry Elliott's status was changed from "Missing in Action" to "Died while Missing". As of 11June 2001 his remains have not been repatriated.

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