Frederick H. Elizondo
Warrant Officer
Army of the United States
Alton, Illinois
October 22, 1946 to June 06, 1967
FREDERICK H ELIZONDO is on the Wall at Panel 21E, Line 61
See the full profile or name rubbing for Frederick Elizondo


29 May 2006

"Freddie" to those of us in Class 66-23 was a kind and gentle soul.

Freddie had the unique ability to wiggle his ears up and down independently. As his last name started with E and mine stared with G he was always standing directly in front of me in formation at Fort Wolters.

On one memorable occasion as the Tac Sargeant and Tac Officer were directly in my face screaming at me, Freddie, standing directly in front of me in formation, decided to wiggle his ears. You can only imagine the outcome as I found it impossible to keep from laughing in the face of the screaming directed at me./

The Moving Wall showed up in Saint Petersburg, Florida, in the mid 1980's. Prior to that time I had avoided all of the popular movies and tributes to Vietnam. I found it all too painful to confront. My wife encouraged me to visit the Moving Wall which I finally did.

At the information booth, as the name, Fred Elizondo, emerged from my lips, I broke dopwn completely. Now at the age of 60, Memorial Day, 2006, I cry as I write these words. God bless you Freddie.

John Glickman
CW-2 E-704th, 4th Inf. Div.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 06 June 1967 an illumination flare caused a fire in the munitions storage area of LZ English in Bong Son, Phuoc Tuy Province. A 2.75-inch aerial rocket "cooked off" and penetrated a personnel bunker, killing Warrant Officer Elizondo. So far as is known he was the only person killed in the incident.

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