Jack Orval Eitel
First Lieutenant
United States Marine Corps
Scott City, Kansas
July 27, 1941 to July 08, 1965
JACK O EITEL is on the Wall at Panel 2E, Line 31
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jack Eitel

Combat Action Ribbon
Jack O Eitel
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7 Jul 2001

From a West Point classmate with deep gratitude.

We are remembering you and all the others who served and died in times of war so that we may enjoy the Freedom and Liberties that make the United States of America great.

Clark T. Ballard, Jr, M D, Col U S Army Ret
66 Leschi Drive, Steilacoom, WA 98388-1514

04 May 2002

A final salute to a fine American
and my West Point Classmate.
From a Vietnam veteran,

Ramon M. Ong
Brigadier General (Ret)
Armed Forces of the Philippines
USMA Class of 1963


10 Jul 2003


We didn't really know each other, but I've never forgotten the circumstances of your untimely death. My platoon was attached to your battalion and we were close enough to the ambush that night to hear the firing and realize that something had gone wrong. The next morning your company commander, Mike Jenkins, came over to my tent and told me what happened. There was no room for error in Vietnam, especially at night, and my first thought at the time was that it could have happened to any of us.

Dying in that far off land, at such an early age and with so much to live for, was a tragedy then and remains so all these many years later. Several of my life-long friends were with 2/4 at the time of your death and your name has come up frequently in our conversations over the years. You have not been forgotten by your fellow Marines and never will be.

From a fellow Marine, 2nd Bn, 4th Marines,
Lynn I. Terry
2nd Plt. Commander
B Co, 3rd Antitank Bn, Attached to BLT 2/4
Chu Lai, South Vietnam 1965
218 15th Ave San Francisco, Ca. 94118

17 Jul 2003

I did know Jack Eitel -- I dated his brother Glen -- Wow, they look alike. Glen and I would have a fight and Jackie was always the peace maker between us. He was such a sweet little boy -- I think of him often. You are a sweetheart, Jack.

Berniece Compton
1203 Denene Wichita Ks 67212


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 08 July 1965 a patrol from Golf Company, 2/4 Marines, suffered an accident of war. The platoon leader, 1stLt Jack O. Eitel, and Pfc Stefan Z. Stalinski, Canada, were accidently shot by other members of the patrol who mistook them for the enemy.

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