Richard John Edris
United States Navy
Newark, Ohio
January 15, 1929 to November 01, 1966
RICHARD J EDRIS is on the Wall at Panel 12E, Line 3
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Edris

Combat Action Ribbon
Richard J Edris
usn_dark.gif navforv.gif

10 Mar 2002

This memorial courtesy of the
Vietnam Veterans of America,
Chapter 55,
Licking County, Ohio.

From his comrades-in-arms,
Vietnam Veterans Of America, Chapter 55
P. O. Box 624, Newark, Ohio 43058

07 Oct 2005

How can one say so little so boldly. Before you were lost, Sir, I had the privilege of being taught American History by your mother Mrs. Edris at Wilson Junior High School in Newark, Ohio. She taught history with passion and zest, she could make you feel the loss of those who suffered so much to make America. From the chill of the wind at Valley Forge with rags for boots to being sea sick while approaching Normandy.

I was not one on paper work, but as a project I built a model of the USS CONSTITUTION, for this I received a grade of A- (no paper work). I did not know she had the pride of her son at heart a sailor. I went into the Navy myself and served over in Nam. In knowing your mother I know we have lost two of the most beautiful people America has ever had. Fair winds and following seas to you and your mother.

From a former student of his mother Mrs. Edris,
Billy P. Whyde
4000 Flint Ridge Rd, Hopewell, Ohio 43746

29 May 2007

Richard was killed in the first mortar attack on Saigon, November 1, 1966 in the city center of Saigon.

We lived in the McCarthy BOQ and he was a friend. He had been asked to wear his dress whites to sit in the reviewing stand with dignitaries to help fill out the National Day celebration's American presence. As he neared the reviewing stand just behind the National Catholic Cathedral, he was killed in a mortar attack. The round that killed him landed at the base of the statue of the Virgin Mary in front of the cathedral, digging a 12 foot crater. The story of the attack and his death appeared in The Washington Post, November 1, 1966, written by Post Staff Writer Eric Wentworth.

I had left the BOQ walking with him and stopped off at the MACV press center for a minute and told him I would catch up. I was about a block and a half behind him when I heard the incoming and dived into a tin bicycle shelter. I was a news correspondent and information officer the The American Red Cross. I recently went into my files and located the story and my notes after being contacted by long-lost friends from the McCarthy BOQ who had found on my web site, the section on our times there at, and the sad day Richard died, and how I narrowly missed getting it as well.

From a good friend,
Larry M Ray

Saigon residents inspect crater and damage from morning VC mortar attack.
Richard was killed just feet from the base of the statue of the Virgin Mary.

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