Richard Stephen Dyer
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Pawtucket, Rhode Island
August 12, 1943 to June 30, 1970
RICHARD S DYER is on the Wall at Panel W9, Line 104
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Dyer

Richard S Dyer
ADIV-1STCAVDIV.png ARGT-11THAVNGROUP.png 227thahb.gif

Richard S Dyer


25 Dec 2007

After all this time, I still miss you.

From his lover,

19 Jan 2008

From his niece,
Jessica Pettengill
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 30 June 1970, UH-1H tail number 66-16693 from B Company, 227th Assault Helicopter Battalion, was flying a command and control mission near the Cambodia/SVN border in Phuoc Long Province, when it was hit by enemy fire, crashed, and burned. The door gunner, PFC John Goosman, was thrown clear on impact and survived the crash. Although he was able to pull one of the pilots from the cockpit, the ferocity of the fire prevented him from freeing any of the other three men aboard. He was able to confirm that none of the others had escaped the aircraft.

Shortly thereafter, friendly troops arrived on scene and secured the wreckage. After the fire burned out, the remains accessible in the wreckage were removed to body bags. PFC Goosman and the body bags were transported by helicopter directly from the crash site to medical facilities at Camp Gorvad where the body bags were turned over to Graves Registration personnel who forwarded them to the mortuary at Tan San Nhut. The autopsies determined that only three remains had been recovered. Although mortuary personnel recommended another search of the crash site, enemy presence in the area made that impossible.

The four men who died in the crash were

  • 1LT Leslie F. Douglas, Verona, MS, B/227th AHB
  • 1LT Richard Dyer, Pawtucket, RI, B/227th AHB
  • SP5 John L. Burgess, Kingsley, MI, B/227th AHB (body not recovered)
  • SFC Juan Colon-Diaz, Comerio, PR, passenger, B/1/5th Cavalry

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