William Lamar Dwight
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Dalton, Georgia
August 08, 1947 to December 02, 1967
WILLIAM L DWIGHT is on the Wall at Panel 31E, Line 23
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Dwight

Combat Action Ribbon
William L Dwight
usmc120.gif 3rdmaf.gif usmc-cap.gif

In memory of a fallen Marine brother. We were from the same hometown. Your loving wife Tennie, sister Linda, daughter Patrice and grandchildren have not forgotten you and will always love you. We pray you rest in peace.

Semper Fidelis
Lawrence H. Wells
USMC 1964-68
Vietnam '65-'66


The area of operations for CAP Delta 2 -- radio call sign "Motherhood 2" -- was approximately 10 miles south of DaNang alongside Highway 1 adjacent to two hamlets, Quang Loc Tay and Phong Nhi. As a part of Marine pacification efforts, the unit dispensed medical aid, constructed dwellings, and most importantly provided security to the hamlet and its residents. The area was the scene of heavy enemy contact ranging from mines in the road, to booby traps in the surrounding rice paddies, and snipers firing on passing vehicles.

On the afternoon of 2 December 1967 a Delta 2 patrol, made up of 4 Marines and several local Popular Force personnel, was ambushed by some 50 Viet Cong soldiers a quarter-mile west of the unit's command post. Bill Dwight, Cpl. Thomas J. Walker, L/Cpl Marvin D. Banar, and two PFs (Tom and Cong), were killed. Only one Marine survived the ambush.

A memorial initiated by one who remembers,
Lawrence Wells
06 May 2002

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