Orie John Dubbeld, Jr
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Cocoa Beach, Florida
November 29, 1948 to March 03, 1971
ORIE J DUBBELD Jr is on the Wall at Panel W4, Line 18
See the full profile or name rubbing for Orie Dubbeld


27 Apr 2001

So many years have passed since we spent all our days growing up together . . you left your son and so many others with just a memory of you . . I just wanted you to know that after all these years I have never forgotten you . . or every day that we spent through our childhood and until you were gone . . so many good times . . like the time we wrecked our cars in my dad's driveway, trying to beat the other there . . sometimes it is not so easy to be left here . . you have always been missed . . peace to you.

David Hill

15 Jul 2007

Orie . . it's me again . . Dave Hill . . I hate to think that I am the only one who writes to you here . . I went by our old stomping grounds . . it was so hard to recognize anything you would have felt was familiar . . but the world as we knew it is not there anymore . . we lived in the best of times . . we turn 59 this year . . who would have ever thought that we could be so damn old . . I wish I knew where your son was . . I'd tell him all about you . . I hear that your father was never the same after you left us . . but then again, I don't think that anyone is ever the same after a war . . I will see you again some day, my friend. Until then . . Peace to you.

From his best friend,
David Hill
240 Jefferson Street, Nelsonville, Ohio 45764


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 03 March 1971, 1Lt Orie J. Dubbeld and SFC James E. Duncan were serving as advisors to the 22nd ARVN Ranger Battalion on a reinforcement mission about 15 kilometers south-southwest of Ben Het in Kontum Province, South Vietnam. During the mission, their unit came under ground mortar attack. A mortar round hit directly in the foxhole where 1Lt. Dubbeld and SFC Duncan were located. An ARVN medical officer stated that Dubbeld was killed instantly, and that SFC Duncan died a few minutes later.

An attempt was made to carry the bodies with the withdrawing ARVN unit. However, the fighting became so intense that it was necessary to bury the two advisors.

Neither 1LT Dubbeld's nor SFC Duncan's remains have yet been repatriated.

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