Richard Charles Drewes
Army of the United States
Trenton, New Jersey
September 14, 1933 to December 17, 1968
RICHARD C DREWES is on the Wall at Panel W36, Line 34
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Drewes


29 May 2005

It's been all these years now and I just found out I could research my Dad's information on the web and that is how I linked to this site. What a wonderful service you provide for us.

I was five years old when my father was killed on his departing flight from South Vietnam to come home, his tour had just concluded. The plane crashed just after take-off for mechanical malfunction reasons.

I never grasped the full comprehension about his death at that time because I was so young. Now I am married and we have a 5 year old daughter. I very often think of him at least weekly if not daily, especially when I hold my daughter. I am reminded of just how precious life is. My mother is alive and well. She is the strongest and most courageous person I know. She kept our family together through it all. Three boys and two girls. She remarried a few years after my father's death and gave birth to her last child Diana.

I was the baby before Diana was born. Diana was/is very beautiful. Unfortunately she was stricken with San Phillipos syndrome - a degenerative disease which ends with death up to about 15 years after onset. Diana was 14 when she went to be with my Dad and God. God, Diana and Daddy have been continually providing us all strength and wisdom all these years. There are many times I think it's unfair that they were taken from me, but I know I'll see them when it's my turn to die. I always ask God to keep me here as long as possible, there is much work to do - to pass on the unique lessons I learned early on and the many people God has placed around me to help carry on his work of Hope and Joy and the promise of eternal life by putting Jesus in charge of our lives.

I have very few memories of my father. My Mom said he was working as a Doctor six days a week and would always spend his day off with us. I know he touched many lives as God placed him in a position of Doctor to help the injured to heal.

From his son,
Christopher Drewes


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 17 Dec 1968 a C-123K Provider from Phan Rang crashed when a fuel transfer problem resulted in engine failure. Eleven men died in the crash:
  • Aircrew, C-123K 54-0708, 315th Spec Ops Wing:
    • LTC Richard A. Brown, Washington, DC, 311th Spec Ops Sqdn
    • 1LT Roger H. Strout, Somerville, MA, 311th Spec Ops Sqdn
    • SSGT Jesse J. Bradshaw, Willard, NC, 309th Spec Ops Sqdn

  • Passengers:
    • CPT Morton H. Singer, Flushing, NY, Corps HHC, XXIV Corps
    • CPT John K. Hayward, Fort Myers Beach, FL, Div HHC, Americal Div
    • CPT Richard C. Drewes, Trenton, NJ, 27th Surgical Hosp, 44th Med Bde
    • 1LT John D. Krouslis, Ridgewood, NY, HHD, 37th Sig Bn, 1 Sig Bde
    • 1LT John A. Blanco, Palatine, IL, HHC, 7th PsyOps Bn, 4th PsyOps Grp
    • CWO John P. Koob, Lake Hiawatha, NJ, 295th Ordnance Co
    • SSG Wallace F. Simpkin, Alamogordo, NM, D Co, 40th Sig Bn, 1 Sig Bde
    • SGT Ramon Castro-Morales, Santurce, PR, HHC, 23rd S&T Bn, Americal Div

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