Ronald Lee Doolittle
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Saginaw, Oregon
January 16, 1950 to May 09, 1971
RONALD L DOOLITTLE is on the Wall at Panel W3, Line 27
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ronald Doolittle

Ronald L Doolittle
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Local papers, during the week of May 18, 1971, published a short article at the time of Ronald's dead which read similar to:

Casualties Reported

WASHINGTON (AP) - Two more Pacific Northwest servicemen have died in Southeas Asia, the Pentagon said Monday. They are Spec. 4 Ronald L Doolittle, husband of Susan L Doolittle, Saginaw, Ore., and Pfc. George W. Winkles Jr, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W Winkles of College Place, Washington. The Pentagon said both men died not as a result of hostile actions.

SP4 Ronald Lee Doolittle started his tour in Vietnam on october 13, 1970 with the 15th Artillery. He was killed when the vehicle in which he was riding, slid down a steep embankment and he was thrown from the vehicle.

Born to Bertha Adalyne Reynolds Doolittle (1926-2005) and Victor Lee Roy Doolittle, Ronald had many brothers and sisters to grow up with.

Survivors at the time of Ronald's death included his wife, Susan L Doolittle, Saginaw Oregon, his parents, two sisters, Kathy Frisbie and Patricia McNally; and four brothers, Gary (1952-2008), Leslie, Alan, and Ray, all in Oregon. Records show he did not have any children at the time of his death.

SP4 Doolittle is buried in Fir Grove Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon.

Ronald L Doolittle

- - The Virtual Wall, November 11, 2014

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