David George Dobosz
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Clear Lake, Wisconsin
August 15, 1949 to June 20, 1970
DAVID G DOBOSZ is on the Wall at Panel W9, Line 72
See the full profile or name rubbing for David Dobosz

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David G Dobosz
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28 May 2004

A tribute to Davy

When he told me that you had been killed, I didn't believe it,
You seemed to be always there to lend someone a hand.
You are the only one, after all these years, I can still remember,
Even though you didn't seem always to be my friend.

You told me more than once that I was going to die,
Because I had done something stupid and you would have been right.
You were the only one who had been through Arizona who would try to help us,
The rest were either too short or too full of the new guy fright.

You bragged to be the best point man in Vietnam,
Because if there was anything on the trail you would find it.
And you told me to stay back far enough behind you, just in case you did,
You led by experience and not by rank, you were any Marine's best friend.

Once we sang a song to you that now seems a funny tribute,
But this is now and that was then.
Every party needs a pooper, that's why we invited you,
You party pooper, you party pooper.

He's a funny kind of guy, with a twinkle in his eye,
You party pooper, you party pooper.

When the kooks see little Davy, they think he's kind of crazy,
You party pooper, you party pooper.

When Davy eats his chow he looks like a big brown cow,
You party pooper, you party pooper.

We had better end this riddle, or he's gonna bust our fiddle
You party pooper, you party pooper.

You fell that night in a rice paddy,
The only one they shot was you the last man.
There was no one there behind you to pull you to safety
So you died in that dirty water, my dear friend.

I cry tears because I can't remember what you looked like,
But surely your image still reflects through God's eyes.
Or you have found a return in some tomorrow,
And have picked up the broken pieces of your life.

Even though the cause was a fool's errand,
And we really fought for each other, so they say,
I cannot accept that you died for nothing,
Or for the who or what they say today.

Perhaps there is an America that is to be,
That is better than what was or what is now.
Maybe there is a hope for all of us to be,
In that America, that God shed his grace on thee.

Now we remember you together,
And release you to God.
You that have been kept so long,
All alone in our hearts.

CPL. Billy M. Butenhoff, USMC
Charley 1/7 (RVN) 1969-1970


Notes from The Virtual Wall

Charlie 1/7 lost another man on 20 June 1970, Pfc Donald J. Murphy of Owosso, Michigan.

Pfc David George Dobosz is buried in Lot 41, Block 08, of the New Haven Township Cemetery, Dunn County, Wisconsin.

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