Mark Hannay Dixon
Private First Class
Army of the United States
West Hartford, Connecticut
March 19, 1946 to April 29, 1969
MARK H DIXON is on the Wall at Panel W26, Line 76
See the full profile or name rubbing for Mark Dixon


29 May 2006

Pfc Dixon courageously crawled, under intense enemy fire, to administer aid to a fellow soldier, who was seriously injured. As he started to carry the wounded man to a secure area Pfc Dixon was hit by enemy fire. Disregarding his own injuries he continued to move his wounded comrade toward the evacuation point until he himself was killed.

Eleven days earlier (April 18) when Dixon's platoon came under intense enemy fire he courageously moved more than 50 meters through an enemy fusillade to assault and destroy one of the enemy emplacements. His actions resulted in the capture of four enemy soldiers and three weapons and played a vital role in routing the hostile force.

Posthumously he was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action, Bronze Star Medal, Army Commendation Medal for heroism, Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medal and Combat Infantry Badge.

Mark was a fine young man with a heart of gold and sense of humor to match, beloved by all who knew him.

From his uncle,
Robert A. Dixon


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 29 Apr 1969 Charlie Company, 2/60th Infantry, lost four men in an engagement west of Binh Phouc, Dinh Tuong Province:
  • SGT Paul A. Brouse, Barberton, OH;
  • SP4 Robert M. Flanigan, Detroit, MI;
  • PFC Mark H. Dixon, West Hartford, CT (Silver Star); and
  • PFC Lester E. Downing, Roper, NC (Dist Svc Cross).

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