Patrick Lee De Water
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Kent, Washington
December 28, 1949 to September 08, 1968
PATRICK L DE WATER is on the Wall at Panel W44, Line 2
See the full profile or name rubbing for Patrick De Water

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Patrick L De Water
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Patrick Lee De Water

Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
28 December 1949 - 08 September 1968
Kent, Washington
Panel 44W Line 002

13 Jun 2007


I was only 4 years old when you went to war. I lived just down the street.

While I was growing up I became friends with your parents. Your dad taught me how to work on cars, and what it takes to be a great handyman. Your mom was always ready with a snack and a smile.

Whenever I walked up the stairs in your parents' house I would see a picture of a man in a uniform. I always wondered about it. One day I got up the courage to ask. I found out it was you, a soldier, a Marine, and a son, who had fallen in Vietnam.

Whenever I think about people serving our country, I think of you.

Whenever I think about people giving the ultimate sacrifice for their country, I think of you.

From a neighbor,
Timothy A. Anderson


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 04 Sep 1968 two companies from the 1st Bn, 3rd Marines were air-lifted into position atop Mutters Ridge just south of the DMZ. While search and destroy operations along the ridgeline did not at first elicit significant contact with the NVA, the Marines did find and destroy bunkers and other infrastructure. The remaining two rifle companies were lifted into the area on 07 Sep. Beginning on 08 Sep and continuing through 11 Sep the NVA decided to fight, engaging the Marines working along the ridgetop (Alpha and Delta companies) and Bravo Company along the southern slopes. By the time 1/3 withdrew on 14 Sep, 19 Marines had been killed in the engagements.

Six of the 19 were from Alpha 1/3 in the opening engagement on 09 Sep:

  • LCpl Patrick L. De Water, Kent, WA
  • LCpl James E. Glegg, Hammond, IN
  • Pfc Gerald J. Clarkson, Jacksonville, FL
  • Pfc Franklin Rambert, Charleston, SC
  • Pfc Billy M. Rea, Tijeras, NM

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