Paul Robert Dew
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Detroit, Michigan
May 25, 1948 to January 16, 1969
PAUL R DEW is on the Wall at Panel W34, Line 14
See the full profile or name rubbing for Paul Dew

Paul R Dew
ADIV-1STCAVDIV.png ARGT-11THAVNGROUP.png 227thahb.gif






02 Jan 2002


As long as we live
You will live.
As long as we live
You will be remembered.
As long as we live
You will be loved.

A memorial initiated by his niece.
E-mail address is not available.

03 March 2002


by his parents,
Bob and Bonnie Dew

08 August 2002

I'm proud to have known and served with Paul. I have always remembered him and the rest of his crew.

Someday we'll meet again, Brother. Rest in peace.

Thanks Mrs. Dew, Maureen, and Meg for having gotten back to me.
Best regards to your families.

From a former member of A/227 AHB 1 Cav,
Chris Lockwood
Elmra, NY

23 Mar 2007

I grew up with Paul from the fourth grade. Paul was always like a brother to me and another son to my parents. It wasn't too often that we weren't doing something together.

Some of the best times together were playing sports all through grade school and the first year of high school. We then split up schools, but not our friendship.

To this day I have a hard time thinking of Paul and keeping dry eyes. He always was and always will be in my thoughts and prayers. I will never ever forget about him and the sacrifice he made.

Chuck Blomme
Sterling Heights, Michigan


Notes from The Virtual Wall

Seven men died when their UH-1H Huey (tail number 66-16302) crashed after take-off at Lai Khe:
  • CPT David Allen Carlin, pilot, A/227th AHB
  • CW2 George Francis Lapan, pilot, A/227th AHB
  • SP5 John Claud Deaton, crew chief, A/227th AHB
  • SP5 Fredrick Lee Holder, passenger, A/227th AHB
  • SP5 John Mirich, passenger, A/227th AHB
  • SP4 Paul Robert Dew, gunner, A/227th AHB
  • PFC John Owen Osheim, passenger, HQ Co, 1st Engineer Bn
The incident was the result of what might be termed "American concern". The 1st Engineers had built a playground teeter-totter or see-saw for an Vietnamese orphanage and the 227th AHB was going to deliver it. Before the flight, the pilot (Captain David Carlin) supervised rigging the see-saw for carriage as an external sling load. The four man crew and three passengers then boarded the UH-1, lifted to a hover, and moved to the engineer helipad where the sling was attached to the helo's cable. The pilot then lifted to an altitude of 60 feet or so, enough to get the load off the ground, and the sling system was checked visually and aerodynamically. Satisfied the load was secure, Captain Carlin called the tower for take-off clearance and on receipt began to accelerate. As he did so the load began to oscillate. The accident report states
"After a few hundred meters, and at perhaps forty knots of forward speed, the end support bracket broke off the pivot bar of the teeter totter."
The load was immediately unbalanced and the support bracket, a large steel triangle, began to whip violently at the end of its rope. The rope itself was drawn into the tail rotor and severed, apparently causing damage to the tail rotor drive system, because tail rotor RPM wound down to a near stand-still. As it did so, main rotor torque caused the Huey to rotate to the right. Witnesses could not agree on the number of rotations, but did agree on three things:
  • The pilot immediately jettisoned the sling load;
  • The crew managed to keep the helo airborne and moving away from the troop area; and
  • One crewman, believed to be crew chief SP5 Deaton, appeared in the cabin door and motioned people on the ground to clear away from the apparent crash site.
After a brief time the Huey did crash, killing all seven men aboard - but not in the troop area; no-one on the ground was injured.

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