Kenneth Roy Devore
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Fullerton, California
August 01, 1950 to December 24, 1968
KENNETH R DEVORE is on the Wall at Panel W36, Line 72
See the full profile or name rubbing for Kenneth Devore


06 Nov 1998

Christmas eve will be thirty years since I lost my brother Kenneth Devore. I was fifteen years old and was totally devastated. I sit here with tears flowing down my cheeks with the hope that someone else out there might remember him too. I have wanted for so long to talk to someone who knew him in 'Nam.

Kenny was a door gunner on a Huey with the "Stallions" of the 92nd Assault Helicopter Company at Phan Rang. He was there from September 10, 1968 until December 24, 1968. Thirty years later I still miss and love him so very much. I have raised my kids to know of him and to always pay their respects to all the branches of the military service. Even though they have never met him, they know him in their hearts. When the Moving Wall comes around we all go together to see Uncle Kenny's name.

If there is anyway for me to be able to get in contact with someone that might have been there with him I surely would appreciate knowing how to do it. I am starting to find my way around the internet. My husband and I are planning a trip to The Wall this upcoming year. That will be a dream come true for me. Thank you for listening to me.

Hoping to hear from someone who knew Kenny,
Barbara Hoke

May 10 2005

My prayers have been answered... thank you, Joe, for contacting me... I don't think I will ever forget how that moment felt... It has been many years since some one asked me if I had a brother named Ken Devore... Before I could answer i had tears not just running but flowing down my face as I was driving home on the 15 fwy from a Mother's Day Dinner with my kids... and I heard those words I longed to hear for so long... I'm still in shock yet full of so many emotions... How can I ever begin to tell you! I hope the other guys write as well... thank you all for never forgetting, I have never forgotten any of you even though I didn't know you, I knew you had to be somewhere and some day my prayers would be answered... With all my love and upmost respect!...

Barbara "Devore" Hoke

25 May 2005

I would say you just won't believe this... but I got a call on Mother's Day from Joe Calaway... and we are going to meet and spend Memorial Day together along with all my kids and grandkids! You, my brother, have not nor will ever be forgotten... Oh Ken, I wish I could tell you what's going on in my heart and head... I'm nervous yet excited... See, Joe coming to see me, it's like you are finally "coming home" and in a big way you are... I love you so much and wish our parents could have been here for this, but I just know you will all be with us from the second we meet for the rest of our lives! I love you, Kenny ... Barbara

Barbara Devore Hoke

1 May 2005

A fellow flight-crew member's remembrance of the day these friends and brothers at arms were lost is here.

From a pilot with the 92nd AHC who served with Kenny.
E-mail address is not available.

3 May 2005

Barbara, I was a friend of your brother in Vietnam. He was my doorgunner and room-mate. I've been looking for his family and this is the closest I've gotten since I returned from Nam in 1969. I was there between 68/69 with the 92nd. Please! Get in touch with me by e-mail or by phone at 503/876-8163... THIS IS IMPORTANT TO ME! Clear On The Left...

From a friend,
Joseph J. Calaway
1045 S W Pioneer Drive, Willamina, Or 97396


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Seven men died when a UH-1H (tail number 67-17460) of the 92nd Assault Helicopter Company was downed by enemy ground fire near Lien Khang airfield, south of Dalat in Tuyen Duc Province. The 92nd AHC was supporting an ARVN operation in the area and had just taken off from a remote landing area.
  • 92nd AHC aircrew:
  • Passengers:
    • MAJ Bobby B. Edwards, Torrance, CA, MACV Advisory Team 33
    • SFC Charles H. Hodson, Winchester, VA, MACV Advisory Team 33
    • PFC Charles D. Maurin, Santaquin, UT, C Btry, 5th Bn, 27th Arty Rgt
Visit the
92nd AHC

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