David Mc Lean Desilets
Lieutenant (junior grade)
United States Navy
Palm Desert, California
October 16, 1940 to September 04, 1966
DAVID M DESILETS is on the Wall at Panel 10E, Line 77
See the full profile or name rubbing for David Desilets


During the Vietnam War there was no overriding reason to keep close track of names of the men and women who died as a result of military service in the war zone. A decade after the withdrawal of US forces, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was approved for construction. The service branches went back through their records to identify our dead by name.

Inevitably some men who should have been named on the "Wall" were not. Over the years additional names have been inscribed on the Wall - some were men who died after the war as a result of wounds received in the war, and others were men whose names were overlooked in earlier years.

The name David Mc Lean Desilets was one of the names not on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall until Memorial Day, 2012 when his name was officially added and dedicated.

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