Steve Spencer De Nike
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Haslett, Michigan
February 14, 1951 to December 30, 1970
STEVE S DE NIKE is on the Wall at Panel W5, Line 15
See the full profile or name rubbing for Steve De Nike


13 Nov 2002

Two brothers... one place.... the wrong time.
We woke up that morning and all was well....
by day's end you were gone but never forgotten.
I brought you back home but part of me never came back.

You took my place on that mission.... the last mission for you.
I think you knew it was the last mission and you went.
That thought is always with me!

From his brother,
Donald L. DeNike
8009 Austin Drive, Troy, Illinois 62294

22 May 2004

I was in Basic Training with Steve DeNike.

He was a model soldier, very young, but disciplined and he had energy and a passion for the Army.

Learning of his death when I was in Nha Trang, serving as a medic in the 575th Medical Detachment, I was saddened immensely. Yes, Steve was young at his death, but he was a man. In my mind, I always picture him with his M-14 Basic Training rifle at port arms and with his helmet liner on. A portrait of a real soldier.

From a Basic Combat Training buddy,
Jim Friend
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Three men of B Troop, 3rd Squadron, 17th Air Cav, died in the crash of their OH-58A (tail number 68-16964):

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