Kenneth Harvey Delp
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Los Angeles, California
January 15, 1947 to April 25, 1968
KENNETH H DELP is on the Wall at Panel 6E, Line 134
See the full profile or name rubbing for Kenneth Delp


28 Jul 2007

Kenneth went to AIT with me. He was a tall, handsome young man; friendly, happy, just one of those folks you would love to be around. He was in 2nd Maintenance Platoon. He was very competent at all he did. He loved to fly and volunteered for all rescue missions just waiting for the day he could get on flight status.

080 was rigged for rescue on 4/25/68 and sure enough, Kenneth, or Delp as we called him, was there ready to go. Charlie was waiting for them when they got to the rescue site and shot down 080 as she hoovered over the crash. Kenneth laid his life down that day. Dogs, I miss him.

He is kind of hard to find on the Wall since he is listed as having died on 4/25/66. I reckon someone just hit the wrong key when they sent the report up through the channels, but it was truly 1968 (notice the date he went to Vietnam).

The other boys he died with that day are Jerry McManus, Bolen McGee, and Linden Eiler. Our CO, Major Jerry Matthews, and the crew chief, Dan Dazell, were both wounded. That sure was a great crew! We miss them all.

With all sincerity,
Mel "Tex" Chappell
CE 047 and 485, FE 480


A Note from The Virtual Wall

When CH-47A tail number 66-19080 departed Camp Evans on 25 April to pick up a downed UH-1 via a sling lift she carred her normal aircrew, maintenance personnel, and two air cargo specialists from the 561st Trans Co who would rig the sling. The location was northeast of the A Shau Valley, about 14 kilometers due north of A Luoi village.

Once the sling was rigged the CH-47 came to a hover overhead so it could be connected to the sling. As it hovered, the aircraft was hit by enemy fire and crashed, killing four crewmen and injuring others - but as it turned out the two cargo specialists weren't killed when 66-19080 went down.

Later that day, at 1915H (7:15 pm local time), a UH-1 was "observed flying over an ARVN ground engagement with NVA. Hit by enemy fire, descending in flames. Received more enemy fire while descending, with main rotor head and transmission separating prior to impact. A/C hit flat and was totally consumed by fire."

The 1st Battalion, 26th Marines was tasked to respond to the downed aircraft and by 10 pm had airlifted a platoon to the crash site. A preliminary search failed to find any survivors, and the Marines established a defensive perimeter around the aircraft while awaiting sunrise. At 0930 26 April the 1/26 Marines reported they had identified the aircraft as BuNo 154761, found a pilot's kneepad with the name "Cawley" on it, and recovered six bodies from the wreckage. The six bodies subsequently were identified as four aircrewmen from Marine Observation Squadron 6 (VMO-6) and two soldiers: SP4 Joseph Burkes and PFC Ronald J. Campbell, 561st Trans Co. The two men apparently had obtained a lift from the Marines in order to get to Quang Tri Airfield.

Ten men died in the two separate incidents:

  • In UH-1E BuNo 154761, 11 kilometers east-northeast of Quang Tri Airfield:
    • Capt James P. Cawley, Scranton, PA, VMO-6, pilot
    • 1stLt Robert C. Kimmel, East Islip, NY, VMO-6, copilot
    • Pfc Edgar C. Laye, Chicago, IL, VMO-6, crewman
    • Pfc Brock R. Schramm, San Carlos, CA, VMO-6, crewman
    • SP4 Joseph Burkes, Detroit, MI, 561st Trans Co, passenger
    • PFC Ronald J. Campbell, Philadelphia, PA, 561st Trans Co, passenger

  • In CH-47A 66-19080, 25 kilometers southwest of Camp Evans Airfield:
Nine of the ten men appear in Lines 3 through 11 of Panel 52E of the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial. PFC Delp's name appears on Panel 06E, which contains the names of men who died on and between 10 March 1966 and 26 April 1966.

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