James Louis Delmont
Command Sergeant Major
Army of the United States
Revere, Massachusetts
January 12, 1933 to June 10, 1970
JAMES L DELMONT is on the Wall at Panel W9, Line 37
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James L Delmont
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James L Delmont

James L Delmont

James L Delmont

Command Sergeant Major (CSM) James L. Delmont was serving as CSM of 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment when he was killed. According to Ed Mann, a member of Company B, of the battalion: "In the year I was with the 1/12 Cav, Co. B, CSM Delmont was the sole HHC staff soldier who risked his life by periodically coming out and moving through the jungle with our line Companys. He was out with my Company for several days on two occasions."

"In the jungle, we measured men not by their rank but by their toughness and character and he really measured up. I only knew him briefly but when I heard that he'd been killed while out with another of our companies, I felt a deep sense of sadness. I want to let his family know that he was greatly respected and that he shared the risks with us when he could have stayed safely in the rear as so many of the others who directed us did. He was a warrior and a straight shooter and I remember him with respect and admiration."

A check of Operations Reports, Lessons Learned for the 1st Cavalry Division for that period reveals that Delta Company made contace with 20 individuals resulting in 1 NVA killed, and 1 U.S. killed and 2 U.S. wounded. No other details provided.

CSM James L Delmont was awarded The Silver Star Medal, The Bronze Star Medal with One Oak Leaf Cluster, The Combat Infantryman's Badge with 1 Star, The Purple Heart Medal with One Oak Leaf Cluster for his combat wounds, The Army Commendation Medal with Two Oak Leaf Clusters, The Army Good Conduct Medal(s), The Army Expeditionary Medal(Dominican Republic), The National Defense Service Medal with One Bronze Star, The Korea Service Medal with One Silver Star, The Republic of Korea War Service Medal, The Korean Service Medal, The United Nations Service Medal, The Korean Presidential Unit Citation, The Vietnam Service Medal, The Vietnam Campaign Medal, The Vietnamese Gallantry Cross Unit Citation and Army Jump Wings.

James L Delmont

CSM James L Delmont was survived by his wife JoyceAnne (Williams) Delmont (1932-2005), two daughters, a son James M, his mother Mary Helen Delmont Gazzano (1910-1983) and his father James A. Delmont (1905-1981) and his sister Gladys Jeanne Higgins (1928-2016). He was preceded in death by his wife's parents, Marietta Dolores Williams (1898-1964) and Rosford Dewitt Williams (1889-1962).

He is buried in Fort Bragg Main Post Cemetery, Fort Bragg, Cumberland County, North Carolina. Unable to determine if JoyceAnne is buried with him.

CSM Delmont's son left a note on thewall-usa.com website as follows: James Delmont, dragondo@msn.com, son, tampa, florida, USA, My hero. I never, got the chance to know my father, but I, have heard many great stories, about him. His name, is wrong, on this web page, his middle name, is not Loves, it is Luis, his rank CSMAJ., James M. Delmont., Sunday, September 05, 2004.

Ancestry shows James Louis Delmont in the Massachusetts, U.S., Birth Index, 1860-1970 and born in Boston, Mass. Ancestry family tree shows Revere, a suburb of Boston. No other documentation proves middle name of Loves was used in his military service.

James L Delmont

- - The Virtual Wall, 12 June 2023


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