Edward Day
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
July 12, 1949 to August 26, 1968
EDWARD DAY is on the Wall at Panel W46, Line 28
See the full profile or name rubbing for Edward Day

Combat Action Ribbon
Edward Day
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01 Oct 2005

Lance Corporal Edward S. Day was my cousin. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to meet him. He was killed in action in 1968 - I was born in 1971. My parents named me after Ed and I followed in his footsteps by enlisting in the USMC as an infantryman in 1989. Today, I am a Marine officer and carry Ed's memory with me. Although we never met I believe he has always been with me, especially when I deployed to places like Liberia, Kuwait, Haiti and Iraq. He protected and guided me, just as he did his fellow Marines at the "Rockpile" in 1968. Semper Fi Marine!

Edward Nevgloski

02 Oct 2005

The photo and following article are taken from The Philadelphia Daily News:

Kensington Residents Honor Slain Marine

Edward S. Day was one of the most popular youngsters of the 1900 block of E. Albert st. in Kensington, and Monday his neighbors rememebered by displaying their American Flags at half mast.

Marine Lance Cpl. Day, 19, was killed August 26 in South Vietnam - three weeks after he had arrived there.

His young friends did not forget him either.

When a Marine officer appeared at 1931 E. Albert st. on Saturday to inform Mrs. Alma M. Day, a widow, of her son's death, the friends consoled her.

"These kids have been wonderful," Mrs. Day said. "We are going to have the viewing at home and the kids have been scrubbing the floor, cleaning the walls and backyard to make everything presentable for Eddie."

She said her son always had wanted to become a Marine. Mrs. Day, a Philadelphian, was a former women Marine and met her late husband, also a Philadelphian, at Camp Lejeune, N.C., during the Second World War.

"When Eddie was 16 he tried to enlist but they caught him," she said. "so he had to wait a year."

Cpl. Day also is survived by two sisters. Mrs. Theresa von Berg and Mrs. Kathleen Wolk.

He will be buried next to his father at Beverly, N.J., National Cemetery.

"I promised Eddie that if anything happened to him, I would give him my grave so he could be next to his father," Mrs. Day said.

This article was in the The Philadelphia Daily News special supplement entitled 'SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY,' October 26, 1987.

Both of "Eddie" Day's parents had served in the Marine Corps during World War II. He considered becoming a baker and went to Mercy Vocational High School to study the trade, but decided the Marine Corps was his future. Day played sandlot baseball for the Visitation Saints and boxed at the Hennelly Boys Club before trying to enlist at the age of 16. He was turned down, but succeeded a year later in July 1966. Day trained as a rifleman and shipped out to Viet Nam, where he joined Company L of the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, 3rd Marine Division. The 19-year-old lance corporal died in Quang Tri Province on August 26, 1968. He was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. "The day before he went away," his mother recalled, "he made me sit on the sofa with him. He took my hand and said, 'Mom, I won't be coming back, but promise me that you won't let me lay alone in a funeral parlor.' I kept my promise and when his body came home. I slept on the parlor floor next to his casket with my hand holding the edge of the flag." Day was buried next to his father, as he had requested. In addition to his mother, he was survived by two sisters.


From a native Philadelphian and Marine,
Jim McIlhenney


Notes from The Virtual Wall

The President of the United States
takes pride in presenting the


postumously to

Lance Corporal,
United States Marine Corps

for service as set forth in the following


For extraordinary heroism as a Rifleman with Company L, Third Battalion, Third Marines, Third Marine Division in the Republic of Vietnam on 26 August 1968. Company L was occupying a defensive position near the "Rockpile" in Quang Tri Province when the Marines came under intense mortar fire. Following the attack, a listening post alertly observed a reinforced North Vietnamese Army platoon advancing toward the company's position. Realizing the importance of denying the enemy access to the avenue of approach to the Marine perimeter, which was blocked by his position forward of the company lines, Lance Corporal Day fearlessly moved to a dangerously exposed location and began delivering an accurate volume of fire upon the North Vietnamese soldiers. Disregarding his own safety, he steadfastly remained in the hazardous area as he effectively employed his weapon, successfully destroying an enemy machine gun and killing all members of its crew. Alertly observing an injured Marine who was pinned down by the intense enemy fire he unhesitatingly moved from his firing position, and as he was maneuvering to the aid of his comrade, Lance Corporal Day was mortally wounded. His daring initiative and heroic efforts were inspiring to all who observed him and contributed significantly to the accomplishment of his unit's mission. By his courage, sincere concern for the welfare of his comrades and steadfast devotion to duty, Lance Corporal Day upheld the highest traditions of the United States Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

Seven Marines were killed in the actions described above:

  • Cpl Richard O. Krogh, Mercer Island, WA (Silver Star)
  • LCpl Edward Day, Philadelphia, PA (Navy Cross)
  • LCpl Vernon M. Wallace, Winnfield, LA
  • LCpl Vernon L. Yarber, Jacksonville, FL (Navy Cross)
  • Pfc Bruce T. Kennedy, , CN (Silver Star)
  • Pfc Thomas R. Lind, Pomeroy, OH
  • Pfc Michael P. Trolia, Oak Lawn, IL

Edward Stanley Day,
Corporal, USMC (WW II),
was buried in Site 2202, Section J,
Beverly National Cemetery,
following his death on 20 Oct 1957.

Edward Day,
Lance Corporal, USMC (Vietnam),
is buried in Site 2203, Section J,
Beverly National Cemetery.

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