Harold Carl Dailey, II
Second Lieutenant
3RD PLT, B CO, 1ST TANK BN, 1ST MARDIV, III MAF United States Marine Corps Austin, Texas October 25, 1946 to August 29, 1968 HAROLD C DAILEY II is on the Wall at Panel W46, Line 62 See the full profile or name rubbing for Harold Dailey |
On August 29, 1968 Harold Carl Dailey II gallantly gave his life in the service of our Country while participating in Operation Sussex Bay in Quang Nam Province, Republic of VietNam, as the Platoon Commander of 3rd Platoon, Bravo Company, First Tank Battalion in support of elements of the Seventh Marines. On that day the force spearheaded by Lima and Mike Companies, Third Battalion, Seventh Marines were in a defensive position in the Dodge City area southwest of Da Nang while awaiting the arrival of a Medical Evacuation Helicopter for other wounded Marines. Lt. Dailey fell victim to an enemy snipers bullet while in a strategy session with the Tank Commanders who were under his command. Lt. Dailey was a highly able and very dedicated leader and his first thoughts and concerns were always of the Marines under his command. He gallantly died in the line of duty preparing the Marines under his command for the pending operations. Lt. Harold Carl Dailey II is "Always Remembered" by those who had the "Honor" to know him and to serve under his command... My thanks to my friend, my leader and a outstanding individual... I'll never forget the times, that place and most of all you... Harold Daily rests in Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, with other men of honor and integrity.
The original memorial to |
A memorial from his comrade-in-arms, Tim Matye tmatye@hughes.net 21 Jul 1998 |
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