Anthony Michael Cusumano
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
New York, New York
October 09, 1948 to February 01, 1969
ANTHONY M CUSUMANO is on the Wall at Panel W33, Line 30
See the full profile or name rubbing for Anthony Cusumano

Combat Action Ribbon

7 Mar 2003

Dear Anthony,

My name is Tiffany and you would have known me if you survived. I heard a lot of great things about you! I heard how you were so nice and funny and also a respectful young man. I wish you were here right now. I mean even though I don't know you personally it breaks my heart that you were taken so young. You would have been 54! Wow can you believe that? You know I would give anything just to have you here with the whole family just to talk and shoot the breeze, but that's impossible ... you are gone and I must come to reality and realize that I will never get to see your face until one sweet day. Butchie, I really miss you - I'm kinda mad that we never got to meet. I bet you would have been my favorite great-cousin! A lot has happened since you went away, Cherly (my mommy) had 7 kids! that's a lot huh? Robin had 5 and Mark had 2. Grandma and Grandpa are doing real good, they look good too! Also Amy, my mom's oldest, got married, my brother Paul is engaged and Kristen has a nice boyfreind. But those are just a few things that happened! You know, it feels really good writing this to you! I hope you're happy in heaven where you belong. I love you, Butchie, and remember I always will. I miss you so much. I hope to see you one day. Miss you. God bless.

Love always, Tiffany

13 Dec 2004

I knew Butch when we were growing up in Brooklyn. He was an animated and happy kid. Agile and good at sports, he reminded me of Phil Rizzuto, the Yankees shortstop.

The neighborhood was full of families and kids, and he was one of the leaders of our group that hung out around the Public School 116 yard at Knickerbocker and Grove: Billy (Red) and Johnny Evans, Sammy (Two Bops) LaSalla, Anthony Macaluso, Curtis Sweeney, the Montalbanos, Russell, the Rinaldis, Doug Lukauskas, my brother Bill (Slinky) and me Dan (Moose) Kelly and many more. Butch had had a lot of spunk and a lot of joy that was contagious; you always were glad when he was around.

When we heard he'd been killed, it was as if night had fallen at mid-day. Butch had one sister that I remember. She was very close to him, and we all felt even more grief thinking of her loss. Doug and Butch had gone into the service at the same time and Doug was seriously injured in Viet Nam too, but in a separate incident. I didn't see him after he came home, but people said he took the whole experience pretty hard, Butch's death more so than his own injuries.

My family moved to Queens in 1964, and I live in California now. A lot of time has gone by and a lot of changes have happened to us all. But when I travel to DC every spring on business I stop by the Wall to remember Butch and all those with him who died so young and so far from home in a war whose purpose was never clear. He was a good man.

From a friend,
Dan Kelly

12 Feb 2005

Butch was going to be the best man at my wedding. I was marrying his best friend Doug Lukauskas. However, that never happened. Doug returned home from Vietnam in July 1969, we married and then parted some years later.

Just about two years ago I went to my 35th High School reunion. Butch was remembered there (even though he graduated earlier) because he pal-ed around with a group from my class. We toasted him. Some of the guys still cannot talk about him.

I will never forget you, Butchie....

From a friend.
Barbara A.
E-mail address is not available.

20 Mar 2005

It was a rare Brooklyn snow day that I met Butch. As a young teen engaged in building a snowman in the schoolyard that our apartments bordered, I was surprised when it was attacked by this new kid whom I had never seen. We wrestled each other to the ground soon after. I think we were both angry and surprised at one another. We became friends for the next several years, until I moved from the neighborhood, never close, but respected. Butch was a clean-cut guy, with thick curly brown hair, a great smile and a good sense of humor. He gave me the impression that he was destined for important things. It was important for him to make his mark in the world. He was intelligent and fun to be around, a very unique guy. He is missed, I am certain, by many.

From a friend,
Billy Logs
E-mail address is not available.

28 Mar 2006

Butchie was my brother and it is so good to see so many people who remember this beautiful young man. I just want to say thank you to everyone who remembers and know that I will always be grateful to all of his friends and acquaintances.

From his sister,
Pat Cusumano Gallo


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 31 Jan 1969 three Marines from Kilo 3/26 were involved in a mine explosion. One was killed outright, one died later in the day, and the third, LCpl Cusumano, died the next day:
  • LCpl Anthony M. Cusumano, New York, NY
  • LCpl Bobby D. Rogers, Pasadena, MD
  • Pfc William T. Roberson, Abilene, TX

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