Daryl Chester Culver
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Limestone, Tennessee
March 04, 1945 to August 07, 1968
DARYL C CULVER is on the Wall at Panel W49, Line 22
See the full profile or name rubbing for Daryl Culver


17 Jan 2003

I was with him when he was hit.
I helped put him on the medevac.
He was the lead medic and he was a good one.
He had just received word of his coming child.
His loss is great.

From a comrade-in-arms,
Vance Marsh
Major U S Army (Ret)
115 North La Alameda Ave., San Pedro, Ca, 90732

12 Feb 2007

I can confirm that Daryl Culver was a medic with the 1/7 Cav. I was the medical operations assistant with the 1st Bn, 7th Cav of the 1st Air Cavalry Division at the time. Before Daryl died he was visited by CPT Robert Tortolani, our Battalion Surgeon, on the naval hospital ship. He was a good chief medic, his death was a tragedy.

Carl E. Bruer


Notes from The Virtual Wall

The casualty database incorrectly identifies SP4 Culver as MOS 11B20 - an infantryman. However, Major Marsh confirms that
"He was head medic for D company 1/7 CAV 3 Bde 1st CAV Division. I was talking with him about medical matters just before he got hit. I was attached to the company as the artillery forward observer."
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Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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