Charles Curtis Crow
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Bakersfield, California
July 15, 1949 to April 13, 1968
CHARLES C CROW is on the Wall at Panel 49E, Line 40
See the full profile or name rubbing for Charles Crow

Combat Action Ribbon

22 Jun 2008

For my big brother, Curtis. Mom and Dad are gone now, but your passing was my first taste of death. I remember when I turned 18 I thought out loud, Mom sitting nearby; "What if this were all of life allotted to me?" Mom immediately knew that I was talking about your shortened time here on earth.

Dad was sad until the day he died, at losing you. I have all of the old photos, Jamie has the flag that brought you home. I will hold onto my memories of you til the light in my eyes also dims.

Stephen Crow


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 3rd Bn, 4th Marines' Command Chronology for April 1968 says that on 13 April a two-company sweep operation was conducted about 3 kilometers north-northwest of Cam Lo village. Observation posts were established around the area as the Marines searched for NVA positions. At 0955 a Lima Company OP was attacked by NVA soldiers, killing one Marine and wounding another. Pfc Charles Crow was killed in the action.

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