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Barton Sheldon Creed
Lieutenant Commander
VA-113, CVW-2, USS RANGER, TF 77, 7TH FLEET United States Navy Peekskill, New York April 03, 1945 to October 02, 1978 (Incident Date March 13, 1971) BARTON S CREED is on the Wall at Panel W4, Line 43 See the full profile or name rubbing for Barton Creed |
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In honor of LCDR Creed.It was an honor to serve in the same unit with him. I still remember the day that he went down as if it were yesterday.
AT2 Quay M. Cullison |
All the bios of Bart indicate he was not married. However, Bart and I married on June 8, 1967 in the Naval Academy Chapel. We had two children together. Captain Scott Sheldon Creed, USMC, flies for the Corps. He and wife Barb have two children, a boy and a girl ... the little boy, Bart, is named for his grandfather. Bart's daughter Page, like her brother Scott, graduated from Annapolis and served five years in the Navy as an F/A 18 maintenance officer. She is now out of the Navy but is married to a Navy commander and aviator. They have young children as well, a boy and girl. The boy, David, has Bart's ears, coloring and mischievous temperament! Bart's mother is still living (celebrated her 90th last week with her -- Bart's -- grandchildren in attendance) and was very active in POW/MIA affairs until last year. In 1996 we got word that interviews in Vietnam and Laos produced some information about Bart's fate, leading to the conclusion that Bart was badly injured from the ejection and died on the ground. Indications are that he was buried in a bunker not far from where his parachute came down. The search for him goes on, but the area in Laos is overgrown jungle now, so it is a daunting task. As Bart's remarried widow, it is not important to me that those who ask know he was married. It is important that those who cared so deeply for Bart, many of them strangers, know that he not only had children, but that they have carried on in a way to do his memory honor.
Susan Page Creed Percy |
I wore Lt. Barton Creed's POW-MIA bracelet. Over the past several years, I have been trying to find out what happened to him. I just recently discovered this web site and learned of his past. I am sad that I am not able to personally give him this bracelet with his name on it. But I feel he knows in heaven that some stranger still thinks of him and will never forget what he sacrificed for his country.
Joni Mabe |
I wore Lt. Barton Creed's POW/MIA bracelet. I have wondered about him from the day I received the bracelet. Over time pieces of information have come to me. I know that he was a very courageous man and I feel honored to have been able to wear his name. I took my 12 year old son to see the Wall in Washington DC. Although we never had the honour of meeting this wonderful man, we feel a closeness to him that can not be explained. I want to thank you, LCdr Creed, for all you have done for me and the country. You and your family will always be in my prayers and thoughts ...
Cindi Winston |
I too, wore Lt. Barton Creed's POW/MIA bracelet and oftened wondered what became of him. I was extremely moved to find his name on the Vietnam Wall Memorial and, like the others, feel a closeness to him that cannot be explained. I had packed his bracelet away vowing to always keep it and in some small way keep his memory alive. Ironically, on March 13, 2003 (the anniversary of his plane going down, unbeknownst to me) in preparation for a 70's party I'm attending I came across his bracelet in an old box. As part of my attire for the party, I'll be wearing his bracelet to honor him and all the men and women who have fought so bravely for our country. I'm so very glad I came across this web site as I feel I have a much better understanding of this great man and will be able to tell his story. Peace and hope to all his family and friends.
Cindy Normand |
I too wore Lt. Barton Creed's MIA bracelet.
Patricia Holcombe Steffen |
"And when you've left this storm, you will come to a fountain; I am another person who wore Lt. Barton Creed's POW/MIA bracelet. I still keep it in my jewelry box even though I have moved countless times since that day in high school (more than 28 years ago) when I acquired it. I received the bracelet at a Student Council Convention in Corpus Christi, Texas. As a young Latina student in those tumultuous years of the war, I often wondered who this brave man was and whether I would be able to some day make contact with him. I found this memorial today in April 2003, as war is raging in Iraq. I felt compelled to reach out (yet again) and attempt to find the man who had remained a mystery for so many years. My search is finally over and I am saddened to hear that Lt. Creed did not return. It was moving to see the postings of other people who also wore his bracelet. It is as if we share a special connection with him and we have all come together to honor him here. I am glad to finally know exactly who this courageous man was, to know that he had a family, that he was beloved and to know that he indeed was as special a man as I had imagined him to be. He continues to be in my prayers and he continues to live as a hero in my heart.
Diana |
In 1972, my husband and I obtained a plain silver bracelet bearing the name of Lt. Barton Creed and dated 3-13-71. Throughout these many years he has remained a part of lives through thoughts and prayers. Our three children grew up knowing of Lt. Barton Creed. Whenever a list of returnees was published we would go over the names to find "our" pilot. When a replica of the Vietnam Wall was on display in a downtown park, the Wall was searched until we found the name matching our bracelet. As a school teacher, I have many times shared the story of Lt. Creed and the bracelet with my students. At this time, our family would like the members of the Creed family to know that their loved one is not forgotten and all are in our prayers.
The Allyn Family |
I too have Lt. Barton Creed's POW/MIA bracelet. It has been with me all these years. I also took the bracelet out when the war in Iraq started. It is also ironic that we have been drawn to this website at such a time and also around Lt. Creed's birthday - his is April 3, 1945 and mine is April 9, 1945. It is as if he has reached out to us, at this time, maybe to let us know he is still watching from above and taking care of our brave men and women in Iraq, especially the POW's. God Bless America.
Joan Baronick |
This past weekend 6/22/2003, my wife and I visited the US Naval Academy in Annapolis. I was stationed in the US Air Force in Vietnam from August 17, 1970 to August 12, 1971. During the ending days of my tour of duty I wore Lt. Barton Creed's POW bracelet because he went down while I was stationed at Bien Hoa AB. I too never knew his fate until I read his name on the list of graduates from Annapolis that died in our nation's conflicts. It brought closure for myself and my wife and I am happy to know his wife, children and grandchildren have carried on for him. He will always be in my thoughts.
David Lickhalter |
I wear Lt Cdr Creed's bracelet. I bought the first one at the Wall on 13 Mar 1996. I misplaced it and was devastated. The second I bought at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Tx, while I was in training to become an Army medic. I looked through all the ones that they had and found his again. I say that he is my guardian angel. I rubbed his name and have it in a frame in my living room with all of my military awards. To his children and grandchildren: Lt Cdr Creed, as well as all the other people we lost, is a great man who fought selflessly for our country. For that I will always be grateful.
Cynthia Davids |
Along with so many others, I wore (and still possess) Barton Creed's bracelet. I am very sorry for his loss. I lost my uncle in Vietnam in March, 1969, and understand the anguish this war brought to families. Barton's spirit lives as long as we remember and honor him.
Fritz Miller
A Note from The Virtual Wall |
I am another who wore LtCdr. Creed's bracelet. I received it while a freshman in the Corps at Texas A&M and never removed it for the time I was there and several years after. Since we did not have the information resources that we have today, I often wondered what he was like and about his family. It should be conforting for his family to see how many people thought about Bart every day. I still have the bracelet - it is very thin and barely readable. It went with me everywhere for many years.
Dan Pradel, Jr. |
I was on the USS Ranger the day that LCdr Creed was launched aboard his A7E. I still have the MIA bracelet with his name on it and I think of him often. I will be wearing it on the anniversary of his last flight, March 13, 1971. I worked on his plane as well as all the other aircraft in our squadron. I will continue to pray that someday his remains will be found and returned for proper burial.
From a fellow Squadron member, |
I have carried Barton Creed's picture and I also wore his bracelet. I was only in the 8th grade when I received the material on Barton. I placed his picture postcard in my Bible. Every time I opened my Bible I prayed for him and the other POWs. In 1986 my husband found his picture in the Life Magazine. I was amazed. Then as time went by I still carried this card picture in my Bible, I always wanted to tell someone, so I decided to try down-loading his name on the internet - and boom! There it was ... all I needed to know and then some. I can say this - I was and still am proud to honor him as a brave American. In my heart he will always live. His Picture Will Remain In My Bible.
From a Bracelet and Picture postcard carrier, |
What I said about LCDR Creed is in this article on the All POW-MIA site.
Rick Olund |
It's amazing to learn that so many others have worn and continue to wear Lt. Barton Creed's bracelet. There have been many occasions over the last 30 years that I have worn his bracelet. Today is one of those occasions as we approach the national presidential election. It is comforting to know that LCdr Creed was married and has children and grandchildren who are thriving and enjoying life. Peace be with all of LCdr Creed's family and friends as well as those of us connected to LCdr Creed with this small silver bracelet and to those who have and continue to give so much for this country.
Sincerely, |
I was the Operations and Communications Yeoman for Attack Squadron 25, Attack Squadron 113's "sister A-7 squadron" on board the USS RANGER. Lt. Creed used to come in to our Ready Room quite frequently as he was very friendly with many of the pilots in my squadron, especially the young ones like Lt. Tim Stone, Doug Bell, Joe Buck just to name a few. As a young PO3, it was fun watching these guys. They were like a bunch of kids together as they would joke around. While not as close to Lt. Creed as I was to the pilots in VA-25, I remember Lt. Creed being very friendly and unintimidating to us enlisted guys. The day Lt. Creed's A-7E was shot down, I was on the sound powered phones in Ready 1. While I cannot remember everything that happened, I do remember that the air and ground war in the region where he went down was halted for quite some time in order to rescue the downed pilot. I remember hearing FAC in the Ready Room. I was told that everyone could hear FAC, even the enemy. I remember I was very proud to be an American that day, and a sailor, as the Armed Forces of our country virtually stopped everything they were doing in order to save a single airman. I remember the pilots in my squadron, the ones who knew Lt. Creed far better than I, were deeply saddened that he was not rescued. They loved this "Stinger Bee" like he was one of our own. I live in Maryland, not too far from the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. Every time I visit the Memorial I look at Lt. Creed's name etched in the dark marble. I remember him and say a prayer for him, and all the soldiers and sailors who gave their lives for this great country we live in.
From an aquaintance, |
I also wore LT BARTON CREED's name on a POW/MIA Bracelet that I wore for several years around '75. I lost it a long time ago but I never forgot the name, and for some reason, the name did pop into my head this morning ... well, actually, I was looking at the Lance Armstrong website to purchase some of the "LIVESTRONG" yellow cancer bracelets, and that's what caused me to remember LT Barton Creed's name. So I just decided to GOOGLE the name and this turned up. I am so glad he is NOT forgotten. I think I may have bought the bracelet at the Ohio State Fair, but being in college at the time, it disappeared after a couple of years.
Doug Griswold |
Back when the POW Bracelets were offered, I sent off for one and received Lt. Barton Creed's bracelet. It has the POW date 3-13-71.
D. King |
In this most tragic event I have personally been blessed by the outcome. My uncle married Barton's widow and she and her entire family have brought much joy to my family. I am very proud to say that I have Barton Creed's bracelet. I thank everybody for visiting this site to say your piece. May God bless Barton Creed and everyone for visiting this site.
Richard J. Percy |
I am writing this to pay my respects and to honor a brave man. Barton S. Creed was/is my uncle. My name is Bart Dunn and Susan Percy is my aunt. I will never get the opportunity to meet him, but the stories that I have heard about him give me an idea as to just how special he is. He made the ultimate sacrifice and his name carries much honor and respect. I know that the skies are a safer place with brave men like you who are on eternal patrol. You are missed and the world is a lesser place without you.
From a nephew, |
I too wore a bracelet for Barton Creed. Each time someone is found my heart hopes he will be brought home. If his son or daughter would like the bracelet back, I will be happy to send it to them. It's been with me since the bracelets were introduced.
Patty Alkema |
Dear Barton Creed Family & Friends: My purpose for writing this letter is to tell you a beautiful story about Lieutenant Commander Barton Creed. I wore his MIA bracelet for about two years. I was actively listening to information about our troops and what was happening so far away from our shores. So many years later and after researching and finding Bartonï¿ 1/2 s name on the internet, I felt compelled to tell you this story. My parents (my father is now deceased) took their first and only trip back to Washington DC several years ago. I knew they would be going to see the Vietnam Memorial and I told them to be sure to take my bracelet with them. At the time, they were both in their 70ï¿ 1/2 s and they really didnï¿ 1/2 t have any idea of how to look up the names or where a certain individual could be located on the Wall. That particular day, it was rather cloudy and overcast. My mother and father continued to walk down the path, solemnly looking at the names and at the people they passed. They felt an overwhelming sense of sadness as they took it all in. The clouds parted to allow the light to shine; and the sun came bursting through as if the heavens knew where they needed to go on the Wall. As they continued to walk, the sun sent a beam onto the wall at a particular spot that was actually at eye level for my mother. She stopped. She looked. At that very spot where the light was beaming was Lt. Barton Creedï¿ 1/2 s name. My mother could not believe her eyes and began to cry. Out of all the names and out of all the panels to view, an energy source of life intensely lighted the way for my parents to ï¿ 1/2 seeï¿ 1/2 Bartonï¿ 1/2 s name. My father stopped others along the path and told them, ï¿ 1/2 you cannot believe what just happened to my wifeï¿ 1/2 , he exclaimed. They both were so moved and touched by the experience of how the light led them to Barton on that Washington DC afternoon. I hope that peace is and will always be within your heart. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Kim Hoopingarner |
I, too, wore Barton Creed's bracelet In the early 1970s. He was only one year older than I. I still have the bracelet and would like so much for his family to have it. I simply need a mailing address or telephone number. E-mail address is not available. |
As a child I was given and wore a bracelet bearing the name of Lt. Barton Creed (MIA) -- I often think of his name, particularly each Memorial Day! The thoughts remind me not only the price he paid for our great country, but also all other veterans!
Rick Millhouse |
I wore his bracelet when I was in fourth grade in the 70s. It's odd that his name should come up thirty years later. It meant a lot to me back then that he should have given up his life for us. E-mail address is not available. |
I received the copper bracelet bearing the name "LT Barton Creed 3-13-71" while serving in the US Army in Germany in 1974. I have worn it and carried it ever since. One day I opened up an old briefcase of mine and there was his bracelet again. I have visited the Vietnam Memorial many times and think often of his fate. Recently reading through this and related web pages, I was overcome with emotion to know that his legacy continues to thrive through his children and grandchildren. May they know and live in peace.
Hal Carr |
My name is Michael Pekas. I am a medical doctor and I served with Bart aboard the USS RANGER. I was a Navy Flight Surgeon assigned to CVW-2 and specifically assigned to the attack squadrons on board. I knew all of the aviators of VA-113 and -25 as very close friends, and their wives and families as well. They were not only my friends but I was their family physician. I was known by all as the "attack quack" and I loved the relationship that I had with the officers and men of both squadrons. Life aboard ship was busy with 12-on and 12-off flight hours on top of all the other duties that the officers and men aboard were expected to do. We did have time to "hang out" aboard ship and the fun we had on shore is legendary. I happened to be airborne when it happened and I remember relaying medical advice to the onsite SAR commander to pass on to Bart to try to make him more comfortable. I miss Bart, we still have his bracelet. It was a privilege and honor to have served with him.
From his physician and friend, |
It's amazing that 36 years after his disappearance, there are so many people who still have Lt Creed in their hearts. The MIA bracelets were an inspired work of art. I received mine when I was about 13 and wore it until it broke (breaking clean through at the "C" in Creed) - but I still have it. The bracelet is a part of my daily life because it sits on my dresser, and I think of Barton Creed often, and send his loved ones thoughts of love and peace.
Mary Schjeldahl |
I am another person who wore Lt. Creed's bracelet dated 3-13/71. I have kept it in my jewelry box for all these years and occasionlly took it out and wondered what became of him. Thanks to the power of the internet now I know and I am very proud to have worn his bracelet. Today I was looking for something for my granddaughter that she thought she had left at my house and went looking in the old jewelry box, which all my grandchildren love to explore in, for her toy. Once again I came upon the bracelet of Lt. Creed's and decided to look up his name on the internet. That is how I came upon this website. And the date today is 3/13/2007. I couldn't believe the coincidence. So, I just wanted to let his family know how much he has meant to me all these years. Let's pray for all the service men and women still risking their lives out there and hope their names do not end up on copper bracelets.
Marie Miller |
I wore Lt. Creed's bracelet when I was in college in the late 80's/early 90's, and then for a time after that. Recently, my 7-year-old son found it while rooting through some old boxes in the basement. When he showed it to me, I was reminded of the admiration I had felt for Lt. Creed and all those who have served. I spent many hours as a younger man imagining the details of Lt. Creed's circumstances, wondering how he came to be listed as Missing and wondering what had ultimately become of him. Now, with his bracelet once again in my hand, I started randomly searching the internet to learn more about him. When I found this site, I was amazed at the touching and heartfelt messages so many have left for and about him and all too many of his comrades in arms, and I felt compelled to leave one of my own. Reading the messages here, I feel a much greater sense of connection to this man who was for many years to me a faceless name, the memories of whom I had to manufacture. Now he is suddenly real to me, a father and husband, which is something we have in common. I have always been awed and inspired by those who have served our country, even more so by those who made the Ultimate Sacrifice. You honored us with your service and sacrifice, Lieutenant; I hope that we honor you in like kind by keeping your memory alive.
Russ Finley |
My mother wore Lieutenant Creed's POW-MIA bracelet throughout the years of the war. In my 8th grade Geography class, we have been learning about the Vietnam War and had to interview a person that was alive during that time. I interviewed my mother and the thing that she remembers most is wearing this bracelet and hoping that one day she would know the fate of him. I now proudly wear this bracelet every day. Thank you for having this website so that I can tell my mother what happened to this brave men. God rest his soul.
From the daughter of a POW-MIA bracelet wearer, |
I have been honored to wear Mr. Creed's bracelet since approximately 1990. My father attended and graduated from the Naval Academy at the same time as him. He is a daily part of my life and through wearing his bracelet I honor him and all other service men, including my father, for all that they sacrifice. Thank you and God bless.
From MIA bracelet. |
Barton Creed is also honored and remembered on the Peekskill High Alumni web page. Although Bart graduated from the Peekskill Military Academy we are proud to include his name and memory in our Peekskill High School "Fallen Heroes" section. The webmasters personally knew the Creed family, who were among the most respected in the City of Peekskill. The sadness of the Creed family and his widow is shared by many of us who knew Bart.
From his friends, |
Notes from The Virtual WallLt. Barton S. Creed was pilot of an A-7E aircraft (BuNo 157589) which launched from the USS RANGER on March 13, 1971 for a combat mission over the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos. His aircraft hit by antiaircraft fire, Creed ejected, breaking an arm and a leg in the process. A Forward Air Controller (FAC) immediately established his position and marked a false location with a smoke bomb hoping to draw the enemy away from his position. The FAC remained in constant radio contact with Creed.Search and rescue helicopters made three attempts to pick him up. On the first pass the helicopter crew thought they saw movement in the grass about 100 feet from Creed's position, but they decided to attempt the rescue anyway. The helicopter hovered over Creed and a rescue man was lowered to within 30 feet of the ground before intense small arms fire forced a withdrawal due to hits and on-board casualties. Completely surrounded by the North Vietnamese, Creed's last transmittal was "Pick me up, pick me up now! They are here!" The search and rescue (SAR) plane made a wide sweep while two helicopters tried to clear the area around Creed's position. About 4 minutes later, a second rescue attempt was made, but small arms fire was even more intense. Both helicopters received disabling fire, and the co-pilot of one was seriously wounded. Neither helicopter made it back to base, but the crews were recovered. Creed was moved between the second and third attempts. The third attempt was made by helicopters that had been standing off to the west of the area and commenced about 15-20 minutes later. They also received heavy ground fire. Creed's parachute had been moved a little, and he could no longer be seen by SAR. A fourth attempt was made after dark, with a crewman lowered to the ground for a search, but there was no sign of Lt. Creed. The original FAC was granted permission to go back and look for Creed again the following morning. The FAC found that Creed's parachute had been moved about 500 meters and had been spread out. The pilot believed that NVA soldiers had spread the parachute as a decoy for U.S. planes, as no American pilot trying to evade capture would advertise his presence in this manner. Rescue pilots say Creed was "most certainly alive" when they last saw him. However, Creed's name did not appear on any list of prisoners provided by the North Vietnamese.
Taken from the |
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