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Robert Gordon Cozart, Jr
HHC, 214TH AVN BN, 164TH AVN GROUP, 1ST AVIATION BDE, USARV Army of the United States Hammond, Louisiana February 27, 1947 to February 27, 1979 (Incident Date March 20, 1970) ROBERT G COZART Jr is on the Wall at Panel W12, Line 24 See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Cozart |
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My name is Trish Glaub. I was a college student in the early seventies. I wore a bracelet for Robert Cozart. He was listed MIA on 3/20/70. I had ordered the bracelet through mail order and I hadn't been asked to pick any name. When the box arrived, I opened it and began my small journey with Captain Robert Cozart, Jr. I wore the bracelet for several years, often rubbing my fingers over the engraving, and often saying small prayers for Robert Cozart. I wore it until well after the war had been declared over, watching the news and reading the paper for word about Captain Cozart. But none came. Finally, one day in 1982, I put it into my jewelry box. Still, I often thought about his family, how they must miss him and want him back. Sometimes I would get out my bracelet and wear it again, because it connected me and my prayers to them somehow, added my voice to the voices that said he must come home, that someone must know and tell and let him home. I would rub the engraving and say little prayers, not full of hope so much now. Finally, in 1989, they gave him back. Not as I, and I'm sure many many others with much more at stake, had hoped and prayed through the years, but still, gave him back, so that he could find peace among his loved ones. Now they called him Major Cozart. And I was relieved for his family, and I put my bracelet back into the jewelry box for safe-keeping. Sometimes now, I pick it out and rub my fingers across the letters, like I did for so many years: Capt. Robert Cozart, Jr. 3-20-70
I didn't know his family. But I waited with them, and prayed with them and cried for them for a very long time. Now I wish them strength and faith in what are still uncertain and bloody times. And I wish them hope for the future. I wish it for all of us. Thanks for listening.
Trish Glaub |
My name is Amy Sparks Epps and I, too, wore a POW/MIA bracelet for Robert Cozart for many years. I received the bracelet from my grandfather, Frederick W. Weldy, who was a friend of Robert Cozart's father in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I still have my bracelet and have shown it to my daughters on several occasions. I remember knowing the Cozart family a little in Tuscaloosa, Robert's sister was about my age and I would see her when I attended church with my grandparents. I visited the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. several years ago and made a rubbing of Robert Cozart's name. I still have that rubbing in a book on the memorial. Both of my grandparents have long since passed away, and I do not have any contact with the Cozart family, but I haven't forgotten that I wore that bracelet and prayed for that family for many years.
Amy Epps |
Memorial Day Weekend. Like the others, I've had Major Cozart's bracelet since the early 70's. I'm now a retired Army pilot and remember Major Cozart often. I would like to own an O-1 and have it painted and lettered, identical to his aircraft, as a memorial for airshows and the like. Captain Cozart's bracelet is on my arm this weekend and will not be forgotten.
From a CWO-3 and Bracelet keeper, |
As I sit here at work, thinking ahead to Memorial Weekend, I stop to reflect on who are missing and those who died for our country so that we may continue to enjoy freedom. Robert G. Cozart, Jr. was the POW/MIA bracelet I wore in the '70's. I too wore it for many years and about three years ago I also had the privilege to visit the Wall in DC to find his name and that he had finally come home. I continue to pray for all those who serve and remember those who have gone before me.
Judy Morgan |
Robert (Buster) Cozart and I were roommates at the 214th Combat Aviation Battalion's T&P Hotel (tin and plywood) - 'BOQ' - at Vinh Long at the time of his loss in 1970. Buster was the Battalion Safety Officer and I was the Battalion Communications Officer. Buster was such a pro - he so loved his flying. After his O-1 went down the Army held its Flight Evaluation Board and I was assigned to help investigate various avionics aspects. When I left Vietnam, in May 1970, little more was known as to Buster's or his co-pilot's (CWO Butler) whereabouts. As life's little connections often go, a few years later, the Army sent me back to school at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. One day the local newspaper ran a story about an MIA pilot whose family lived in Tuscaloosa - Buster Cozart! I visited with his family and still remember how gracious they all were despite no new news still by that time (circa 1973). I've since visited The Wall several times and located his name. I thank all of you who wore that MIA bracelet for Buster all those years. Your respect and honor for a man you never met was no doubt of great solace for his family over those long years. I'm betting Buster is grateful for your vigilance too. He was good friend to all of us.
Frank Long |
I too wore Robert Cozart's POW bracelet for multiple years back in the 70's. I remember how I used to wonder what kind of man he was, where he was, what his family must have been going through and if I would ever find ut what happened to him. I have thought about him many times over the years and always hoped that one day I would learn what had happened to him. Today, I found my old jewelry box and in it, his bracelet. Now that we have the internet, my first thought was to google his name. To my amazement, I found this site. While I was saddened with the confirmation that I feared, I was comforted with the words from those who had known him and those who too had worn his bracelet. I thank all of you who have written about Mr Cozart. Your words have comforted me and given me some closure. I am very proud to say I wore his bracelet.
Barbara Scheuer |
I too wore a bracelet for Captain Robert Cozart Junior in the 70's. It is a name I will never forget.
Joan Uhl Browne |
Notes from The Virtual WallOn March 20, 1970, Capt. Robert G. Cozart, pilot, and WO James E. Butler departed Vinh Long, South Vietnam aboard an O-1G (serial #51-12899) at 1016 hours on a visual reconnaissance mission over Vinh Binh Province with a stop at the Province capitol of Phu Vinh. At 1028 hours, a radio transmission was received from WO Butler advising the Team 72 Tactical Operations Center that they were airborne and en route to Tra Vinh. This was the last communication with the crew. The aircraft never landed at Tra Vinh.Upon receiving notification that the aircraft was missing, a province-wide search was initiated. All immediate search efforts were unsuccessful. Vietnamese civilians, however, reported that an aircraft had been downed in the vicinity of Tra Vinh. Local forces with U.S. advisors, U.S. troops, coastal patrol boats and light aircraft conducted extensive search efforts from March 20 through March 27 but without success. The tail section of the aircraft was finally recovered and identified October 23, 1970. In 1989 the Vietnamese government turned over a large number of human remains believed to be those of American servicemen. On August 1, 1989, the US announced the positive identification of Captain Cozart's remains, but WO Butler remained among the missing. However, on 4 September 1997, WO Butler's remains were positively identified and returned to his family for burial in Lillington, NC, next to his father. |
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