Glenn Richard Cook
United States Air Force
Charlotte, North Carolina
September 10, 1945 to June 17, 1977
(Incident Date October 21, 1969)
GLENN R COOK is on the Wall at Panel W17, Line 100
See the full profile or name rubbing for Glenn Cook

Glenn R Cook
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12 Apr 2003

A Prayer For Those Lost In Battle

O God and Father of us all, we gather in sincere gratitude for all those who, at their countryï¿ 1/2 s call, have met the rude shock of battle and have surrendered their lives amid the ruthless brutalities of war. Forbid that their suffering and death should be in vain. We beseech you that, through their devotion to duty and suffering, the horrors of war may pass from earth and that your kingdom of right and honor, of peace and brotherhood, may be established among men. Comfort, O Lord, all who mourn the loss of those near and dear to them, especially the families of our departed brothers. Support them by your love. Give them faith to look beyond the trials of the present and to know that neither life nor death can separate us from the love and care of Christ Jesus, in whose name we pray.


In Honor of Glenn Richard Cook and all of his comrades that never made it home. You are not forgotten.

Richard Riley

22 Oct 2004

35 years have gone by since you were reported missing in action.
You're not forgotten.

Marc Kuperus


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 21 Oct 1969 Captain Glenn Cook, 21st TASS, and Major John Espenshied, 558th TFS, were aboard an O-2A Cessna observation aircraft controlling an air strike in the hills about 25 miles west of Nha Trang when the aircraft went down.

Although the general area of the loss was known - where the Provinces of Tuyen Duc, Ninh Thuan and Khanh Hoa meet - SAR efforts were unsuccessful and the wreckage was not found. Since there was way of knowing whether the two men had died or were captured, they were listed as Missing In Action.

Neither of the two was identified as a prisoner of war, nor were they released with other American POWs in 1973. In December 1988, the Vietnamese "discovered" the remains of an American and returned them to U.S. control on 23 January 1989. On 01 June 1989, the remains were identified as those of John Espenshied.

Captain Glenn Cook's remains have not been located.

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