William Bert Cleverley
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Detroit, Michigan
November 07, 1950 to July 28, 1970
WILLIAM B CLEVERLEY is on the Wall at Panel W8, Line 61
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Cleverley

William B Cleverley
usarv.gif 173abn2.gif 503infrgt.gif

08 March 2002

I first met Bill in grade school at Holcomb Elementary in Detroit ... it's hard to believe that we were ever that young, long before world events would touch our lives.

You are still remembered even now by your friends and classmates from those days. And we know that you joined other old friends of ours in that distant land, like Donald Kuzilla from Redford High.

You will live on in our memories, until we meet again.

18 May 2002


I'm glad I found this high school photo of you, Bill ... it captures that wonderful smile that was always such a big part of you.

You are also now remembered by some high school students in Saginaw, Michigan, whose inspiring teacher assigned them a project on Michigan servicemen.

Gary and I were glad we could help them to know you.

God Speed, Bill, until we meet again.

From an old school friend,
Katherine Helm Rose

14 March 2002

I hope you are at peace, old friend. I knew you back in the 50's when we were just little kids and were old enough to be able to ride our bikes off our own street and meet kids on nearby streets. We played a lot of baseball at Stout Park, Milan Park and in the Little League together and against each other also. My wife was a friend of your sister Anne for many years. We think of both you a lot and hope you two are together in that better place. Some day we will meet again, so until then.......

Gary Miller
St. Petersburg FL. 33703

26 May 2002

A personal thanks to the people who wrote and remembered ... it is a kind thought. I brought him back and my brother Jim escorted him back to Detroit and his friends and family. Every time I go back I visit Billy.

Thanks again

From his brother,
Grant F. Cleverley

04 June 2002

I went from kindergarten through high school with Bill. He lived
just one street over from me in Detroit. He came and visited me on
leave from Nam when I was home from college. It wasn't long after
that when I heard of his tragic passing. Bill was a sweet, gentle
soul and I will always remember his wonderful smile.

Your friend
Pat Newsted Durkee

10 June 2002

My Uncle Billy,

I was not even 2 years old when you died, but your memory has always lived on through your family and mine. My dad wears your memory like a badge of pride and my mom told me how I used to love to go to you. I can't wait to meet you one day.

Love, Kelly

From his niece,
Kelly Cleverley Melvin

28 Nov 2002

I never knew my Uncle but I have seen the emotion his name has brought to my father. I wish I could have known him.

JoAnne Cleverley Sullivan
HC 33 Box 3174-T Wasilla Ak. 99654

29 May 2003

My dad was cousins with Bill. Though I have never meet him and well I wasn't even thought of when he died (I am 15 years old), from what I hear from the people that write about him he was a very interesting guy. Its really interesting learning about my family history. I am very interested in this so if anyone does have information that would be of use to me please email me with it. Thanks a lot.

From a second cousin,
Jenni K.

28 Nov 2003

I knew Billy from his brother Grant, and he was always smiling and very happy and brought so much joy to his family and friends. He is missed greatly.

From a family friend,
Nancy Rice Boyt

26 Mar 2005

I will never forget that big smile and easy-going manner.I was two years younger than Bill and he treated me as an equal at Stout Park, unlike the other older guys. I remember the sad moments at Wilke funeral home on Seven Mile, when Bill came back from Vietnam. Bill's little sister Ann (I called her Clara to piss her off) and I were friends. Bill and Clara are both gone now and I often wonder; why?

From a friend,
Charlie Homsher

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