Newton Steve Clement
Staff Sergeant
Army of the United States
Mena, Arkansas
November 09, 1949 to June 23, 1970
NEWTON S CLEMENT is on the Wall at Panel W9, Line 82
See the full profile or name rubbing for Newton Clement

Newton S Clement
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1 Aug 2004


Steve Clement listed his home of record as Mena, Arkansas, but he grew up and attended schools in Odessa, Texas. He was killed in a non-hostile situation, but received a posthumous promotion to Staff Sergeant. He was also awarded an Bronze Star and Army Commendation Medal posthumously. He is remembered by the Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans Memorial located at the Midland, Texas International Airport. May his sacrifice never be forgotten.

From a Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans Memorial Representative,
Billy M. Brown
4015 Melody Lane, Odessa, Texas 79762

18 Mar 2005

Steve, many years have passed since that fateful day in 1970 when God took you home. As Top Manning came in and told us to "get it on" for a "life-saver" mission, how could we have known what would happen. As we tossed a coin to determine who would get the ammo and who would get the C's, I won the toss and said I would get the C-rations. When we agreed to meet at the chopper pad, we had no idea that would be the last time we would see each other.

You went up the hill to the ammo dump, and I was later told some "cherry" was playing with a trip flare. The dump blew up with you in it, and Doc Shenk went up the hill while it was exploding to get you out. I was some distance from there, and ordnance was coming down all over the area exploding everywhere. You died shortly thereafter without regaining consciousness. Our unit lost a good man that day, and I lost a dear friend. I have thought of you often, and have written about you in my second book. No one knows why one is taken and the other left, but I guess God just wanted another good man in Heaven that day. We miss you my brother.

From a friend,
Richard "Dick" McBain
1458 Sumter Drive S W, Marietta, Ga 30064

Photo from "Babyboomer Memoirs"
by Richard L. McBain

1 Apr 2005


I will always remember you and our talks about home and life together, in the "Boonies" of Vietnam. Two Grunts, two brothers in arms. I'm sad you did not make it back to the 'world'. You were the best. We Nam brothers will never forget you. you will be in our hearts forever.

Your fellow Grunt,
Bill Nelson
2/502nd Infantry, 101st Airborne, Strike Force!

29 Apr 2005

A Vietnam Veteran's Tribute

Soldier, sailor, airman, Coast Guard, Marine,
From all across the land they came, every race, every creed.
As thier fathers and forefathers before them, when their country called they stepped forward.
Albeit at a time when the nation was embroiled in bitter discord,
At the prime of their young lives, they did not shirk from the specter of war.
Caught up in a political maelstrom not of their making,
They were hurled onward to a rendezvous with hardship and strife.
Everyday, ordinary American men.

This monument now stands before us,
Its bold and imposing beauty bespeaks a solemn and silent tribute.
But no structure, no matter how great, truly pays just tribute,
To the honored dead whose names are inscribed there.
To the maimed, the disabled, the emotionally scarred, the missing in acton,
The scar of the Vietnam War will never heal.
To the young lives barely lived, to the young loves hardly loved,
To the what might have been that we will never know,
Dear God, let their hallowed memory forever burn bright.
Let there be meaning and purpose to their death,
For without it, this monument will never be anything more than cold stone and mortar,
An empty symbol without sense or meaning.
Let us Americans everywhere, dedicate us, to giving it meaning and purpose.
Let it mean that never again, will this nation shed it's young men and womenï¿ 1/2 s blood in a cause without resolve.
Let it mean that we will devote special care and attention to disabled veterans from all wars.
That we will pay whatever the price, give whatever it takes, to help them ease their burden.

The "why" of Vietnam may never be answered, the sacrifice never vindicated;
But let no one dare question the fiber of the men and women,
Who answered the call of the uncertain trumpet.
They risked and lost life and limb to serve their country.
They are the mark and caliber by which great nations are measured.
Let us never demean those who have carried this country's banner into battle.
They gave to us their very lives and their futures,
We could never hope to repay to them their just due.
May the day never come, when the country calls, and the call goes unheeded.
Let us all now join hands as united Americans,
And as one voice reach out and loudly and proudly proclaim:
"WELCOME HOME - at last together we will heal the wound"
And in a spirit of love and thanksgiving, embrace these,

Don Buzney USMC 1967-71

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