Billy Clayton Chambers
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Maysville, Oklahoma
December 03, 1949 to April 27, 1969
BILLY C CHAMBERS is on the Wall at Panel W26, Line 60
See the full profile or name rubbing for Billy Chambers


11 Jul 2001

Bill Chambers was one of three young men killed in Viet Nam from the small southern Oklahoma town of Maysville. He was just 19 when he was killed in a Viet Cong L-shaped ambush. His Silver Star citation says that he repeatedly exposed himself to enemy fire as he manuvered his M-60 machine gun to fire on enemy positions. Running out of ammunition, he crawled to find more and returned to engage enemy bunkers that had his unit pinned down. Throughout the day, he continually maneuvered and exposed himself to enemy fire enabling his wounded brothers to be evacuated. Finally, while maneuvering to engage still another enemy bunker, he was mortally wounded.

Bill was a loving son and fearless soldier. He wrote long letters home frequently, always expressing his love for his family and his dedication to helping the people of South Viet Nam resist the communists. Many times he would send money from his meager pay for his younger brothers and sisters.

From his letters, it is clear that he was a thoughtful and kind young man, mature beyound his years, who deeply cared about the people of South Viet Nam. His family would like to hear from anyone who served with Bill.

From his brother-in-law,
Rodney Clarke Jones


A Note from The Virtual Wall

D Company, 1/5th Cavalry, lost five men on 27 April 1969 in the engagement described above:
  • 1LT Larry D. Brock, Oklahoma City, OK
  • SP4 Arnold R. Bray, Paris, TX
  • SP4 Billy C. Chambers, Maysville, OK (Silver Star)
  • SP4 Gary R. Smith, Laconia, NH
  • PFC William W. Henderson, Lyndhurst, VA

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