Ronald Roy Cassel
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
June 14, 1947 to May 18, 1967
RONALD R CASSEL is on the Wall at Panel 20E, Line 22
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ronald Cassel


10 Feb 2004

In remembrance of my cousin.

He was a great person, who always looked out for others, and always thought of others first.
It is a shame you never got to live your whole life.
You lost your life defending your country and believing what was right.
This was a time when the American people were in disbelief of what we were doing in Vietnam.
I always will remember you and I always think about you.
You are and will always be my hero.
In loving memory of my loving cousin.
I know you are with God now, you are safe now.
I will never forget you, I leave messages on the Wall pages for you.
Now you can rest in peace.

08 Dec 2006

I just wanted to know if anyone who reads this, may have known my cousin when he was in Nam. I just wanted to know how he got killed. It would take a lot of relief and a lot of pain and wondering if I knew, because I loved my cousin.

He was great person and for him to die and not know how, causes a lot of pain and suffering. He went to Vietnam when he got out of school and never had the chance to grow up and have a family of his own.

I just wish I could find someone who was in Nam with him but I don't know where to look.

Well, Ronny, I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I think about you all the time, not a day goes by without thinking of you.

You are my one true angel.

Thomas Rittner

28 May 2007

To a fallen hero:

I'm just here sitting thinking of you on this Memorial Day. It's looking like rain today. I wanted to let you know that you are not forgotten. I just wish you could have been here to share this day with us. You lost your life so we could enjoy days like this. I just wish you could have come home instead. Your country called and you went to defend your country. When it was all over it took the people in this country 30 or more years to reconize you and your fellow soldiers (brothers). When the war was over and the soldiers that did come home, they were treated like animals. This war was like a forgotten war. The politicians wouldn't let us win this war. You and your fellow soldiers fought anyway, but not for the country, but for one another who fought in Vietnam, your living brothers and your fallen brothers. Well, I just wanted to drop you a line or two. Memorial Day 2007. God bless all the fallen heroes and all those who survived the Vietnam war. I wanted to thank each and every soldier who served in the Vietnam war. You are my heroes.

From his cousin,
Thomas Rittner
6421 Clearfield Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 17111


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 238th Radar Detachment was a target acquisition unit which used radar to "back-track" incoming artillery, rocket, or mortar fire to determine the launch position, allowing the launch position to be taken under attack by counter-battery fire. Assigned to the 108th Artillery Group, the 238th was located at the Dong Ha Combat Base. On 18 May 1967 Dong Ha was hit by a barrage of 140mm rockets which killed eleven men and wounded 91 more. The dead were
  • HQ Co, 11th Eng Bn
    • Pfc William G. Fellinger, Dunkirk, NY

  • 238th Radar Det, 108th Arty Group
    • PFC Ronald R. Cassel, Harrisburg, PA

  • H&S Co, 3rd Bn, 3rd Marines
    • HM2 Jacque J. Ayd, Baltimore, MD
    • HM2 Lewis C. Cook, Portland, OR
    • HM3 Theodore R. Nelson, Austin, MN

  • L Co, 3rd Bn, 4th Marines
    • LCpl Michael C. Farrell, Riverside, MI
    • Pfc William A. Fish, Oakdale, CA
    • Pfc Colin F. Jackson, Thousand Oaks, CA
    • Pfc Kenneth D. Phares, Astoria, OR
    • Pfc Jimmie L. Thomas, Ocala, FL

  • C Btry, 2nd Bn, 94th Artillery
    • PFC John C. Gainous, Port St Joe, FL

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