Robert Michael Casey
Petty Officer Third Class
United States Navy
Guttenberg, New Jersey
June 15, 1948 to May 16, 1968
ROBERT M CASEY is on the Wall at Panel 61E, Line 7
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Casey

Combat Action Ribbon
Robert M Casey
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 7thmarines.gif

10 May 2003


Not long ago, I learned about "Doc" Casey, who was shot while trying to save the life of my Marine, and who was actually shot several times while caring for his wounded Marines. They were lying out in the open, pinned down, under heavy fire. Some of the things Doc Casey did while trying to save his Marines are documented in the citation for the Navy Cross that he was posthumously given for extraordinary heroism.

Robert Michael Casey was attached to Golf Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division, in 1968. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time - my Marine, his Company, his Battalion, and Doc Casey - and they handled a horrific situation in the finest tradition. There were countless acts of courage and sacrifice described. The US Marines eventually took that hamlet, but the price was high.

On studying the citations for posthumous honors that came out of the battle for Phu Dong, Quang Nam Province, on May 16, 1968, it became obvious that my Marine had died in the company of better men than most people ever get to live in the company of.

From now on, when I take flowers to The Wall for my Marine, I'll be taking some also for Doc Casey. He tried so very hard to save the Marines whose names are listed there on The Wall now, under his own.

It is a great honor to request that a memorial be posted here on The Virtual Wall for Robert Michael "Doc" Casey.

From the girlfriend of one Marine Doc died trying to save,
Lisa Robbins

08 Jul 2003


by a comrade in arms, Golf 2/7.

Steve Ravettina
Livingston, New Jersey

11 May 2006


by a good friend,
Charles Cook

04 Jul 2006

To those who served with Robert Michael Casey, Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class, G Co, 2nd Bn, 7th Marines: The building that was dedicated to him on the Naval Air Engineering Station in Lakehurst, New Jersey, is going to be torn down.

On July 15th at 1300, we at the Branch Medical Clinic would like to invite you to come and remember him with us. Some of Doc Casey's family will be there and some items from the building will be turned over to them.

Any Questions:
(732) 674-7844
ask for Richard

From a fellow Corpsman,
HM1 Richard C Ponke
New Jersey

03 Jan 2007

Bobby Casey was a good friend of mine growing up in Guttenberg. It was a sad day when Bobby was killed in Vietnam. I serve on Guttenberg's Memorial Day Committee and we continue to honor Bobby and Guttenberg's other heroes who gave their lives for each of us.

I found this site accidentally and am extremely happy as I will make it known to others. Thanks for creating this site.

From a childhood friend,
Bob Faro


The President of the United States takes pride in presenting the NAVY CROSS posthumously to:


for service as set forth in the following


For extraordinary heroism on 16 May 1968 while serving as a corpsman with Company "G", Second Battalion, Seventh Marines, 1st Marine Division in commection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. During Operation ALLEN BROOK, Company "G" was moving through a fortified village in Quang Nam Province to engage an estimated 200 North Vietnamese Army Regulars. Suddenly, the point elements came under heavy enemy fire, sustaining numerous casualties. Petty Officer Casey unhesitatingly moved forward under the intense hostile fire and administered medical aid to one of the wounded Marines. Although wounded himself, he disregarded his own injury as he proceeded to another casualty to render medical treatment. Wounded again while assisting his comrade, Petty Officer Casey steadfastly continued his efforts and moved to the aid of still another casualty, receiving two additional wounds while treating the Marine. When other Marines moved forward to evacuate Petty Officer Casey, he adamantly refused to leave the battle area, stating that he wanted to continue to treat the wounded. After being evacuated to the rear by his companions, he encouraged the casualties around him and provided instructions to others in applying battle dressings. Upon hearing a wounded Marine call for aid, Petty Officer Casey dauntlessly crawled to the man and, while treating his injuries, was mortally wounded. By his unflagging courage, selfless concern for the welfare of his comrades, and unfaltering devotion to duty, Petty Officer Casey upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

For the President,

Secretary of the Navy

A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 16 May fight for the fortified hamlet at Phu Dong was the first major engagement in Operation Allen Brook, aimed at clearing VC and NVA forces from Go Noi Island, formed by the confluence of the Ky Lam, Ba Ren, and Chiem Son Rivers.

At Phu Dong, three companies of Marines assaulted dug-in North Vietnamese Army regulars from the newly-arrived 36th Regiment, 308th NVA Division. By days' end the NVA had been forced from Phu Dong, leaving more than 130 dead behind. In addition to 38 wounded, the Marines lost 25 men killed in action:

  • From India 3/27 Marines
    • PFC Vincent S Coles, Newark, NJ
    • PFC Jack Henderson, Chicago, IL

  • From Alpha 1/7 Marines
    • 2nd Lt Paul F Cobb, Roanoke, VA (Navy Cross)
    • Cpl Douglas E Foster, Bellbrook, OH
    • LCpl James D Gross, Pittsburg, CA
    • Pvt James L Hill, Ponchatoula, LA
    • Cpl Jerry G Hollingsworth, Columbia, SC
    • PFC Roger K Jones, Hampton, VA
    • PFC Richard K Morrison, Silver Spring, MD
    • LCpl William L Pate, Robertsdale, AL
    • PFC Terry M Ward, Bicknell, IN
    • HN Leroy W Poppema, Hospers, IA

  • From Golf 2/7 Marines
    • LCpl Marvin A Bullock, Elm City, NC
    • HM3 Robert M Casey, Guttenberg, NJ (Navy Cross)
    • Pvt Robert E Church, Lakehurst, NJ
    • PFC Robert G Freeman, Fayetteville, NC
    • Cpl Charles R Hendrix, Louisville, KY
    • LCpl Michael E Johnson, Hickam AFB, HI
    • Pvt William E Koehler, Newport News, VA
    • PFC Ernest C McCrimmon, Raleigh, NC
    • PFC Ormond M Miller, Gadsden, AL
    • PFC Michael J Morris, Albuquerque, NM
    • LCpl John D Ponder, High Ridge, MO
    • PFC Samuel F Rolen, Idabel, OK
    • PFC Bruce E Teague, Canoga Park, CA
The branch Medical Clinic at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan,
is dedicated to HM3 Robert M. Casey.


"You guys are the Marine's doctors -
There's none better in the business than a Navy Corpsman ..."
-- Lieutenant General "Chesty" Puller --

Visit John Dennison's
Medics on the Wall
memorial which honors the
Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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