Edgar Allen Campbell
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Ponca City, Oklahoma
October 10, 1948 to December 19, 1967
EDGAR A CAMPBELL is on the Wall at Panel 32E, Line 21
See the full profile or name rubbing for Edgar Campbell

Edgar A Campbell
usarv.gif 101abnsm.jpg 506thinfrgt.gif

08 Dec 2002

I just happened onto this site and when I realized its significance I looked for Eddie. I could not find his name.

So many years have passed, so much time, so many dreams not realized, so many new goals achieved, and in all this passage of time I have thought of Eddie. I have relived crazy times and wonderful memories of when we were teenagers, when we were all together as friends. Eddie didn't have a lot of family so he made his friend, who lived down the street from where he lived, his 'brother'. They grew up as best buddies and had many wonderful boyhood adventures. Eddie was a risk taker with a wonderful sense of humor. One cold winter day he came to my house. His 'brother' wanted to take me on a date and my father had to meet my proposed date first. His 'brother' was nervous so he brought Eddie along. They had walked through the snow over 15 city blocks to get to my house. Eddie had just had an in-grown toenail removed from his big toe and it was all bandaged up. He could not wear a shoe over it so his foot was exposed to the weather. It must have throbbed horribly, but Eddie hopped along all the way to be there for his 'brother'. You couldn't tell he was in pain as he joked and helped to ease others discomfort of the moment. He was like that.

Eddie quit school to join the service, knowing this meant that he would be going to war. He married his sweetheart and right before his time to leave for overseas. They came to our house, mine and his 'brother' as we were married by then. He came to have a place to bring his siblings to him for a goodbye visit. His siblings were younger and living in different homes. Eddie was upbeat and if he was scared, he never showed it. I can still remember his smiles and dancing eyes as he told of his escapades of basic training.

Eddie's tour started 10-03-67 and his date of casualty was on 12-19-67. He was 19 years old when he died in battle by small arms fire, in the Lam Dong Province of South Viet Nam.

I remember when the Army told us he died. His wife was working at my father's company and my father called me at home and said to come. I did and then I learned of Eddie's death. Time was a blur of goings on for awhile, but one thing was very significant to us all, friends and family alike. Eddie had died as he had lived -- with strength, courage, and a determination to survive. He stayed in there to fight the battle and he never gave up. We miss him. We are very proud of him. He will never be forgotten as I tell my grandchildren the stories that I have told my children, of the 'brother' their father once had.

From a friend,
Diana Sullivan

13 Apr 2005

Since I wrote Eddie's Memorial I have been contacted by several people about Eddie. My email address has now changed. I am listing my new email address in case someone needs to contact me in the future. Please do not hesitate. Thanks.

From friend,
Diana Sullivan
430 S. Elm, Ponca City, Oklahoma 74601

05 Oct 2006

Diane Sullivan and other friends,

Eddie is my Hero. I miss him! I was only 14 when Eddie gave his life for his country. My daughters were told about their Uncle Eddie. Eddie's niece - my daughter, Michele - wrote a school paper when she was young regarding her Uncle. She too referred to Eddie as her hero. Eddie's picture will always hang proudly in my home.

Michele is no longer with us either. She too has passed away.

My daughter Veronica was 14 as well when her sister Michele went to be with God. Hopefully, Veronica's grieving heart was somehow eased by the comfort that came by my own experience from losing a sibling at such a tender age.

My nephew Eddie is named after my brother Edgar Allen. My nephew is in his 30's now and is raising his own baby girl. I know that my brother's memory will continue to be passed from generation to generation. We loved him and know that without a doubt he loved us too.

If you served with Eddie and or were his friend please contact me. I would appreciate hearing from you. Thank you for being a part of my brother's life and for making a difference!

God Is Always Faithful,
cell 410-652-5048

From his sister,
Connie Collins Gatton
2633 Bailey Road, Forest Hill, Maryland 21050


Notes from The Virtual Wall

The 506th Infantry site at http://www.currahee.org contains the following note:
"19 Dec 1967 - First Company A Currahee KIA
A Viet Cong element of unknown size enters one of Lt. John Harrison's 2nd Platoon, Alpha Company ambushes during the predawn hours. The Currahees open fire, the Viet Cong return fire with automatic weapons. RTO Pfc. Edgar Allen Campbell, 19, from Ponca City, OK, is killed and his squad leader, SSG Jearl D. Keefer is wounded. Pfc. Campbell becomes the [first] paratrooper killed in Company A and second soldier to be killed in the battalion."
Another source cites a letter from the Commanding Officer, 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne:
"PFC Campbell's element was set up in a squad sized ambush when an unknown-sized Viet Cong force entered the ambush site. Private Campbell was acting as radio operator when his squad leader initiated the ambush by opening fire on the enemy.

"The enemy, apparently superior in number, immediately returned automatic weapons fire, wounding both Private Campbell and the squad leader. Despite his serious wounds, Private Campbell remained at his position, continuing to man the radio and place fire on the enemy force. He called information to the platoon leader which enabled a relief squad to be guided into the position before succumbing to his wounds.

"His outstanding dedication to duty and indomitable courage resulted in the enemy force withdrawing and saved the remainder of his squad from possible annihilation."

and notes that he received the Bronze Star and the Army Commendation Medals.

Edgar Allen Campbell,
Private First Class, U. S. Army,
is buried in Grave 35, Row 14, Section G,
International Order of Odd Fellows Cemetery,
Ponca City, Oklahoma.

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