Anthony Victor Campaniello
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Corona, New York
October 11, 1946 to December 19, 1967
ANTHONY V CAMPANIELLO is on the Wall at Panel 32E, Line 20
See the full profile or name rubbing for Anthony Campaniello

Army Aircrew

08 Jan 2000

Life has a special flavor the protected will never know. You paid that price. For it we get to write nice things that you will never get to read, memorials you will never see, and life you will never live. For that we get to see your name on a black wall. A place of honor we all need to heal our wounds, and from time to time we stop in to say hi to our loved ones. You never leave my thoughts, every day you walk with me everywhere I go. So in reality I keep you alive that way.

I think of the plans we made for R&R and what a good time we would have had. Some day I guess we will have a chance to talk things over again and have a Scotch for the road like we use to after work at Butler. Remember when we sat at the end of the runway and watched all the 747's take off...?

I guess what I am trying to say here, bro, is "I miss you".

Always your friend

Four men of the 162nd Assault Helicopter Company died when their UH-1H had an engine failure on takeoff from Phuoc Vinh and crashed:
  • WO1 Larry A Harke,
  • WO1 John F Holz,
  • SP4 Robert D Kline,
  • SP4 Anthony V Campaniello.
I would like to hear from anyone who knew Anthony from the 162nd Assault Helicopter Company.

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162nd Assault Helicopter Company

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