Frank Vincent Calzia
United States Navy
El Segundo, California
September 16, 1946 to May 10, 1968
FRANK V CALZIA is on the Wall at Panel 58E, Line 5
See the full profile or name rubbing for Frank Calzia

Combat Action Ribbon

08 Jun 2006

Rest in peace, Frank.

From a friend,
Jim Powers

25 Jun 2007

Frank and I went to Hospital Corps School together. As I was from New York, he took me to his home to meet his family, who welcomed me.

We were the only two Italian Americans in our Hospital Corps School, so we started a club, "The Sons of the Mediterranean". We were the only two members.

I think about him every day, and I have his name from the Wall framed in my office.

From a friend,
Michael Casucci
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Between 07 and 17 May 1968 the 1st Battalion, 26th Marines were conducting sweep operations north of Dong Ha as part of Operation KENTUCKY. On 09 May Delta 1/26 got into a serious fight with NVA troops, losing 12 men (see LCpl Larry E. Adolf) while ejecting the NVA from a 30-bunker complex. Anticipating a night attack in retaliation, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and H&S companies formed a coherent night defensive position - but were undisturbed.

On the morning of 10 May the rifle companies moved out to continue the sweep. At 1300 the battalion command post received three rounds of artillery fire from NVA guns emplaced within the DMZ. Three men were killed and four wounded by the fire. The dead, all from H&S Company, were

  • Capt Robert C. Onslow, Minneapolis, MN, 1/26 logistics officer;
  • HN Frank V. Calzia, El Segundo, CA; and
  • Pfc David L. Kirkeby, Drayton, ND.


"You guys are the Marine's doctors -
There's none better in the business than a Navy Corpsman ..."
-- Lieutenant General "Chesty" Puller --

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