Cody Ray Calkins
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Oglesby, Illinois
May 12, 1949 to July 12, 1969
CODY R CALKINS is on the Wall at Panel W21, Line 106
See the full profile or name rubbing for Cody Calkins

Cody R Calkins
americal.gif 198infbde.gif 52infrgt.gif

11 Jul 2004


by a classmate,
Lowell Beenenga
River Patrol Boats, US Navy, Vietnam

07 Sep 2005

I recently received the following e-mail:


Thanks for your contribution to The Virtual Wall web site for Cody Calkins. I was looking at the names of those I knew in Vietnam who were killed. Cody's name was the only one who died that day that I could find. I was there that day. We had an explosion in the bushes in the midst of the Command Post. Captain Bray was killed along with 4 others. There were 28 casualties, Don Cremer was a medic that was also killed, but his name is not on The Virtual Wall. I was the medic that responded to the casualties and found a terrible triage assignment. I needed help and Cody was one of the infantrymen that helped me. I did not know that he was wounded. He did not complain. When the last evacuation helicopter left, I am told, Cody got on because his head was hurting. I was surprised that he was on the KIA list the next day. I will always respect him because he stayed and helped others without complaining even though he was wounded himself. I was told that he received a fragment wound to the base of his skull which caused brain hemorrhaging.

Bill Daniels

Lowell Beenenga


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The five men who died in the explosion described by Mr. Daniels above were
  • C Co, 1st Bn, 52nd Inf Bn
    • CPT Ralph O. Bray, Olathe, KS
    • PFC Cody R. Calkins, Oglesby, IL
    • PFC Ronald M. Cremer, Miami, FL, medic, HHC w/ C/1/52

  • B Btry, 1st Bn, 14th Arty Rgt
    • CPL Jose B. Cisneros, Baldwin Park, CA
    • PFC Barry W. Bickel, Logansport, IN
According to the 1/52nd Infantry's operations log, which identifies the five men by name and unit, the explosion was caused by a booby-trapped 105mm artillery shell. The Company command post was located near Phu Thanh (2) about 10 kilometers southwest of Binh Son.

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