Robert Emmet Cain
Army of the United States
Levittown, New York
September 06, 1949 to May 20, 1970
ROBERT E CAIN is on the Wall at Panel W10, Line 68
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Cain


05 Sep 2002

PFC Cain, left

PFC Robert E. Cain, John Chamless and I arrived at the 90th Repo-depot April 18, 1970. We were all 11B10 Light weapons Infantry.

We pulled guard duty, manned the searchlight towers at Long Binh and became fast friends. We became friends like only those in Vietnam know how friends are.

After 30 days together in Long Binh we were sent to the 101st Airborne Division and then on to SERTS ... the Screaming Eagle Replacement Training Center.

We manned the M-60 machine gun bunkers at night and went through "In-Country" training during the day. We went on patrol ... I came to know Rob very well as did John Chamless. We hung out together and did almost everything as a trio.

Then, reality set in and we were shipped to different outfits.

Rob was sent to the 2/502 Recon and out to the field. I had had previous 155mm Howitzer FDC training at Fort Hood and was sent to the 2/11th Field Artillery at Camp Eagle. Chamless drew an infantry outfit, but not with Rob.

We split up.

Rob was in action. He had been with a unit that had run into the NVA. He was assaulting forward when he was hit by the NVA and sustained wounds. A medevac was sortied but coulnd't find the outfit due to inclement weather.

He died of wounds that night.

Terrance P. Downey
PFC 2/11th Field Artillery A Battery FDC
101st Airborne Division.
April 18 1970 - March 1, 1971
Email address is not available


A Note from The Virtual Wall

E Company, 2/502nd Infantry, lost three men on 20 May 1970 -

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